Guild Wars Game Update Notes
Update - Thursday, November 18, 2010
Guild Wars Beyond
* Added quests to guide players through the War in Kryta.
* Adjusted the difficulty of "The Battle for Lion's Arch."
* Added quests to discover the whereabouts of some soldiers who went missing in action.
* Added support for wedding party costumes.
Bug Fixes
* Fixed a bug that allowed Keiran Thackeray to appear outside the Eye of the North immediately following the War in Kryta.
Hearts of the North page:
Quests to find Keiran, one where you play as Keiran and help plan the wedding.
Also, Developer Notes about this next stage in the Guild Wars Beyond storyline:
Is my net connection slow today or is 21mb a pretty big update?
Wonder what else they put in there? The new Cantha stuff? Wintersday?
Glad they put that quest in there for the WiK story. I thought it was pretty entertaining and it shouldn't have been so hard for casual players to get into it.|||Drat you beat me to it! was just about to make this topic!

Anyway there is a new NPC outside the EOTN, who pretty much hints the quest to find Keiran is in Kryta, but going into the HOM, Lions arch keep and outside EOTN reveal nothing, anyone know where this quest is?.
Gonna check where Keiran disappeared (The cliff outside Ascalon settlement) and see if its there.
Also wedding costumes have been added to the costume maker, but apparently they need to be bought from the in game store first, so looks like they are chargable after all.
Gah so excited, its starting!

And yes Blade, 21MB was a pretty big update imo, took a while to DL the files, were at least 1000 files for me.
- Tsukasa|||I was about to say that!
Thing you gotta remember about the costumes, they've made costumes for EACH profession, and each set uses quite a bit of files. I'd say at least 15 or 20 files per chara type. And most of that are texures, which means fairly large size bitmaps.
So you're looking at 10 professions x 2 sexes x100 files. Not including any added effects.
And then there's the new quests themselves, support across several languages...
Still, it's nice to get new stuff, isn't it?|||Just noticed there is a page for it
That Gwen and KEiran art is frickin amazing imo!
My new wallpaper!....only it'll be bigger xP
And we get mini missions where we play as Keiran as he tries to survive =D
And search for clues to find him!
Chapter 2 is called: Heart of the North and begins now
Shame its only for those who finished WiK but then again they did apparently lower the difficulty, need to test that out on my ele.
Wedding costumes look amazing too!, 3 different variations apparently and a bumper pack =D
Found the first clue, there is an embedded arrow head in Watch tower coast, its located under the T of Watchtower coast on the map.
You speak to it to get a quest "The arrow head" and then go to the HOM, Gwen will give you Keirans bow and you have to speak to the scrying pool to experience a Bonus mission pack style mission involving Keiran.
- Tsukasa|||*sigh* I love them. It was so much easier to say 'yes' to Anet selling costumes when I didn't care for any of them.

Gwen looks 50 times prettier with that serene smile than we've ever seen her before.|||
^The heads on those two are hilarious. I assume that the guy is supposed to be Keiran, and his head is obviously a gw model, yet Gwen looks as if she's an actual human girl.
Thing you gotta remember about the costumes, they've made costumes for EACH profession, and each set uses quite a bit of files. I'd say at least 15 or 20 files per chara type. And most of that are texures, which means fairly large size bitmaps.
So you're looking at 10 professions x 2 sexes x100 files. Not including any added effects.
What the hell are you on about? There are five costumes.|||Battle for LA nerfed? WiK streamlined? New quests? BMP-style quests? Yes.
(On a slightly more cynical note, I commend the community relations team(s) for their timing. This should distract a lot of people from the disappointment of no new GW2 news from yesterday's post.)
The good people who work on our wiki have made a very useful flowchart that shows players how things progress.

I'm more than happy to retire it, though- it was a pain to maintain, and quest markers are infinitely easier to follow.

That Gwen and KEiran art is frickin amazing imo!
Beautiful. It took nine in-game years and five real-life years, but it looks like Gwen finally gets her happy ending.
On another note, I never bought any of the costumes, but tophats might convince me otherwise.
You speak to it to get a quest "The arrow head" and then go to the HOM, Gwen will give you Keirans bow and you have to speak to the scrying pool to experience a Bonus mission pack style mission involving Keiran.
Even more awesome- his bow is the Ithas skin. Please say it has an inscription slot.|||For the lazy (got this off the main wiki's talk page for the update):
Have BLA finished, go to Watchtower Coast, go to there the T in Coast is on the map, there's an arrowhead. Click on it and it will give you a quest.|||Battle for LA: I understand the reasoning for this update, however I was disappointed for my own reasons. I was getting people together for a completion of this quest in HM. I did each of the others in HM but didn't get around to it since my daughter was born. Knowing you could have done it isn't the same as doing it. ;)
I do look forward to the HM versions of future quests however. Thanks Anet!|||Quote:

Battle for LA nerfed? WiK streamlined? New quests? BMP-style quests? Yes.
Beautiful. It took nine in-game years and five real-life years, but it looks like Gwen finally gets her happy ending.
Even more awesome- his bow is the Ithas skin.
Yeah i am happy for Gwen, well i will be when this arc ends xD
And i feel that Artwork is gonna be my new wallpaper for some time =P
And you know i totally missed that, Gwen just said i have ONE of his bows, so didnt think to check it out, but your right it is Ithas!, my Ranger has a new weapon i think =D
On another note, the mysterious assassin from Costume brawl is in this first mission.
My only complaint so far is there is no quest marker in the mission, i'm trying to find this "Person" (No spoilers) but im just wandering around aimlessly so far trying to find him / her / it, didn't realize how big Watchtower coast is until your wandering alone looking for one person @_@
The other thing is, i thought Keirans tracks disappeared north of Giants Basin? how come hes now in Watchtower coast? O.o
Loving it so far though, Keiran with his hair down looks very awesome compared to tied back imo, he looks more dangerous imo

- Tsukasa