I haven't made a controversial thread in a few weeks, so time to get the ball rolling on something near and dear to my heart.
Known by some as the mini polar bear.
(known by others as the Major Publicity Blunder)
The thread starts on oct 12.
A few other threads ask similer things, but nothing really gets confirmed.
Gaile said in a blog post that the bear did NOT exist, so people took her at her word for this.
Then about on page 10, just after the new year, we see this.
Then two pages later, gaile posts that... opps, there WAS actually a mini polar bear in, and it supposedly was in there the whole time during the event. But sadly, by the time it's officially confirmed, the event is over, and the NPCs removed.
Needless to say, the general populace was NOT happy.
VERY not happy.
(Couple of side notes, gaile posted the info confirming the MPB on GURU, not here. Possibly because of the ads at the top of each page's post. Thankfully those have been removed.)
A LOT of complaining went on, and gaile and the entire team was taken to task over this, and in the end, it was chalked up to a failure to communicate. All attempts to get the team to add the bear in other ways failed. Mainly through chest of wintersday past, but even through zaishen or other means.
The MPB thing segued very nicely into the next scandal, the mallyx exploit where people were able to fight malyxx directly without needing to do the city clear outs first.
This resulted in some MPBs going for, literally, stacks of armbraces.
Accounts were banned, more screaming and moaning going on.
Eventually the hoopla over the MPB died down, mostly because any and all threads dealing with it got locked.
Ursans was nerfed, (more bear hate) and life went on.
here we are, back in december. Wintersday is right around the corner. This time we have knowlege of how this'll work.
Here's the deal.
You get the Mini Polar Bear as a gold drop from the wintersday chest in the two quests the warden offers you in LA and Kamadan.
You NEED to have Eye of the north for this quest to be available.
The drop rate has NOT changed. This was confirmed.
The Miniature Polar Bear will return, and the drop rate is going to be the same as last year. --Regina Buenaobra 19:27, 8 December 2008 (UTC)
(thanks to SEEF II in the update thread for pulling this up)
Many people now know about it, and will be farming the heck out of that quest the moment the rift warden is put in.
There will be NO other way to get the MPB. NONE. Don't ask about it, don't expect it.
That being said, here's what to expect. Probable lag on the quest during it's active times.
The event will run at least 2 weeks. Depending on the winner of the event (dwana vs grenth), if it's grenth, the event will continue on for 2 weeks longer. (This happend back in 06. 07 dwana won, and the NPCs got pulled, but the decorations stuck around for 2 weeks thereafter, taunting us)
As a side note, presents this year, will go directly into people's inventory. This means you won't loose any presents due to lag, or getting killed by falling snowmen and grinch nukes.
Thus, we should probably push for more grenth wins to extend the life of the event.
Expect early sales of the MPB by people who get them to be very high, in the hundreds of ectos range. Since the droprate is still pretty low, even by the event's end, I'd lay odds that the going sales of the MPB will still be over 100k+XXe, probably in the 10s or 20s of ectos range.
All that being said, you know what's been, and what to expect, now go out there and GET THAT BEAR!!!
Post any stuff you hear on it, any prices or drops you get here as well. Any tips for cranking through the dungeon are welcome as well.|||Mini-pets is serious buisiness.
Maybe Anet can kill all mini-pets. Then we don't have useless items that take precious inventory slots and less QQ-ing on the forums.
Yes, KILL THEM ALL!|||Quote:

Mini-pets is serious buisiness.
Maybe Anet can kill all mini-pets. Then we don't have useless items that take precious inventory slots and less QQ-ing on the forums.
/signed10c|||My fingers will be bloody rags by the time I get the thing. SAME DROP RATE?!
....and your wiki reference of this statement is a blank page for me.|||Wohoo all the fuss about a bunch of pixels shaped like a polar bear.|||Quote:

....and your wiki reference of this statement is a blank page for me.
Link should be http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/User_...ra#Mini_Ursula|||Some day I will understand why people care so much, and also why people will spend so much time doing repetitive crap during what's supposed to be a party.
But today is not that day.|||Quote:

You get the Mini Polar Bear as a gold drop from the wintersday chest in the two quests the warden offers you in LA and Kamadan.
You NEED to have Eye of the north for this quest to be available.
The drop rate has NOT changed. This was confirmed.
The Miniature Polar Bear will return, and the drop rate is going to be the same as last year. --Regina Buenaobra 19:27, 8 December 200
I think this is contrary to their remarks saying that GW is for the casual player. The current drop rate = 0 for this player as he'll do those quests a few times.
Oh well, no MPB for me then, as my luck in drops is horrible and I just refuse to farm those chests. I tried that dungeon a few times last year and I didn't even like it.|||Several things about this that have bothered me.
Of course there's the whole denial thing, but the general attitude of, and the way gaile once said that anet doesn't consider mini's 'cash cows'.
And yet, if you're someone who gets a MPB drop early on, if you sell it right away, that'll probably be worth a whole FOW set of armor.
I don't understand it, I hate it, but the most we can do is voice displeasure, deal with it, and move on.
I posted what info I could on the whole mess, hopefully it helps a few people.
To those who wanna QQ on the bear, unless you have something good to contribute, take it elsewhere.
The arguement of 'it's just a bunch of pixels' doesn't wash.|||Yikes....
I'll do that quest a couple of times, if it's remotely fun. Once, if it isn't fun at all. But I certainly won't farm my fingers off during the christmas time. If I get that coca cola bear: fine, will be nice to take out in town sometimes to make crazy people jealous. If I don't: even finer, then I've one more storage slot for my random junk collection.