As the days grow short, Tyria prepares for the new year. Decorations pop up around town, and holiday vendors sell seasonal treats. The crisp air carries the scent of gingerbread and peppermint�and the occasional flying snowball! Not everything is nog and joy. Again, the gods Dwayna and Grenth clash over who will control the weather during the coming months. This year, however, Balthazar has pledged his support to the followers of Grenth. Their united purpose: a chilly period of mortal reflection. In response, Melandru has joined forces with Dwayna to preserve the seasonal gaiety and bring on an early spring. Pick a side, and celebrate the season. Wintersday is here!
There's a PvE snowball fight available from the Priests of Balthazar and Melandru. Thackeray's Wintersday quest line has been relegated to Casey Carpenter, it seems.|||I got a 2000+ files updated when I did a -Image.
And I did a -Image earlier today already, so my game was up to date immediately preceding this update.
Oooohhhh, I'm so excited and I don't even know what has been changed.
So cool.|||okay, snowball fight of the gods.
Screw this noise on any other chara. taking my ranger, 3 ranger heros, and a ranger hench. Toss in a couple of other classes, and lets see them survive massive flurry.|||@Noa: Yeah... the only ranger was myself, but it was still obvious how massively overpowered their skill is. Managed to mop up the battle in about 12 minutes, so flurryway should definitely make all the bonuses. Too bad the rewards aren't as huge as the Halloween quests were, or I'd be Life of the Party by the end of the month...
The Thackeray quest line seems to die out after the charr attack (no "Wintersday Cheer" quest), which means possibly no new pet this year.|||Loving the Balthazar costume, i think i found something to replace the Shining Blade armor =D

Not sure which i like most, default red or my fave colour blue......
Gonna go take a look at these new god snowball fight quests now

- Tsukasa|||i gotta wait a week for my payday, but when it's there i will definitely buy the costume bundle.|||Quote:

okay, snowball fight of the gods.
Screw this noise on any other chara. taking my ranger, 3 ranger heros, and a ranger hench. Toss in a couple of other classes, and lets see them survive massive flurry.
I don't understand this post... But I guess that rangers will be very successful at one or more of the activities for the holiday?|||For those who haven't found out yet, if you have found Keiran in Hearts of the north and witnessed the proposal, he is now in the HOM with Gwen offering 2 new quests.
Dont like his new hair though T_T, think his rugged hair looked much better.
Anyway like i said, they are in the HOM, gonna see if i can see the wedding tonight =D
Wanna see if my new hero theory is true =P
- Tsukasa|||Quote:

I don't understand this post... But I guess that rangers will be very successful at one or more of the activities for the holiday?
Flurry of Ice, the ranger snowball skill, works pretty similarly to Barrage, and is a pretty powerful skill even in PvP. In the quest, you're fighting waves of enemies (usually 4 or 5 in a group) that tend to clump up a lot due to synced resurrections. Rangers therefore effectively have 4 or 5 times the base damage output of any other profession.

Wanna see if my new hero theory is true =P
Word on the street is it's Kieran.|||I regret buying the Balthazar costume. White pixels abound... again.
Anet, fix your ****!