In before "there is no super secret expansion": well it would not be a super secret expansion if anyone, especially their employees, knew about it, now would it? And what other projects would they make there, a flash roguelike jrpg? Really...|||Old news. Everyone knows how long they've been working on the Secret Minotaur Level.
Most people already have the Plasma Blade and Lushivahr's Prism, just waiting until we can get Langmar's Leg to access it.|||Maybe it's that Lyssa's realm we've been waiting on. You know the super trippy land.|||You're both wrong. She's been working on adding Clay Bricks back into the game, so that we can build houses.|||Quote:

what other projects would they make there, a flash roguelike jrpg? Really...
Ssssssshhhhhh it's supposed to be secret!!!!

You're both wrong. She's been working on adding Clay Bricks back into the game, so that we can build houses.
Yes, I've been collecting mud just to be sure!|||Quote:

Maybe it's that Lyssa's realm we've been waiting on. You know the super trippy land.
I better start stacking up plats and ecto's....
I doubt Lyssa has a wardrobe big enough to store my new armor then

It'll be released Feb 14th.

She let it slip last time we were trekking through Tibet together (as her concentration wasn't quite on 100% at that point after we'd each fought off an attack from 4 roaring snowlions prowling for territory) that the next expansion ifs called 'War in Mhenlo's Pants' and is a dating game in the style of Blind Date where you have to hook Mhenlo up with the right chick based purely on 3 questions (and quests that happen along with).
It'll be released Feb 14th.
Why were you trekking in Tibet?|||Searching for their own self?