Thanks for any answers|||Put it in storage. When you login, take the picks. Before you change character, put them back. If you develop the habit, you'll be best of both worlds.|||I was thinking of that, thanks.|||You should do that with other items too:
- Lock picks
- Expert/Perfect Salvage Kits
- Rezz Scrolls
- Summoning Stones
- Advent. Insight scrolls (if you still have to go for a task like unlocking all skills & you do not do PvP/Zaishen for unlocks)
- individual & group DP-Remover consumables
All of those are in my first tab. You really get used to withdraw & deposit them.|||I put the items I use often on each characters, and those items I use sometimes in my storage.
So, when I was still going for treasure hunter, all of my characters had about a dozen lockpicks on them, with the rest of the picks (I usually bought a full stack each time) in storage. The same with the stones, all my characters have a few, with the rest in storage.|||Quote:

Put it in storage. When you login, take the picks. Before you change character, put them back. If you develop the habit, you'll be best of both worlds.
This never works for me - I always forget to get the stuff from the storage. So all the characters I play often have a set of stones and picks in backpacks, plus some rock candies and rez scrolls.
The only consumables I keep in the storage are consets, which I keep for extra-annoying missions and forget to take with me most of the time...

This never works for me - I always forget to get the stuff from the storage. So all the characters I play often have a set of stones and picks in backpacks, plus some rock candies and rez scrolls.
The only consumables I keep in the storage are consets, which I keep for extra-annoying missions and forget to take with me most of the time...

Now you mention it... I have a few of those as well, and, again, I forgot to bring them with me!|||Each of my characters always has the things I always use; lockpicks, salvage and ID. I also has each of them carrying summoning stones, else I will never be able to use them all. My consumable title character is also carrying party/sweets. Things I seldom use, such as books, scrolls etc. are in the chest (or mules) though.
Of course, with the equipment packs, my characters very seldom run out of backpack space anyway so chest storage space is way more premium, for me.|||I have absolutely no space on any of my characters.
At most, every one of them has ~the last bag free for random drops in pve so I don't lose all the money.
Even with heavy eq packs across the board there's just not enough room, even with xunlai storage. I also have the standard things like ID/Salvage/books/picks or whatever on all characters just because it's easier for me than trying to desperately find room in storage if I want to play on a different character.
Epsecially since I need a decent bit of space to juggle pvp equipment around once in a while.
Anyways, boobs because I can.