Quick mention of it in the Blog.
I find it funny how they seem to mention that many thought it took too much time and effort for these and their solution is just to make it possible to add to HoM. Admittedly, I'm reading into it and making an assumption. BTW, I'm not saying they should have made them easier to get.|||Just wow..... too bad mine's full of Destroyers.|||Quote:

Just wow..... too bad mine's full of Destroyers.
Don't really think it matters, you managed to fill yours fine, this is just going to help others along that aren't there yet imo.|||Wouldn't destroyer weapons be the easiest route? They're like, what.. 50k to buy? Probably even less now, as that was about a year ago. Even cheaper still if you craft it yourself.|||It's a minimum of 55k to craft all the HoM weapons.|||It's a bit disappointing for me. I have the destroyer weapons in there, but hated it because they are so damned ugly. Now that something prettier is an option, I kinda feel like I wasted money.
I know the GW2's needs are satisfied with the full monument, but it's just an aesthetic thing.
/violin|||I love this, why?
Because I actually LIKE the oppressor's weapons. All of the destroyer/tormenter's weapons look horrible to me.|||Quote:

I love this, why?
Because I actually LIKE the oppressor's weapons. All of the destroyer/tormenter's weapons look horrible to me.
Well, I like the tormenter, but I'm QFT, anyway :)|||Well, that was unexpected.
I won't deny that beating WiK takes a fair amount of effort. However, once you've done it, getting the medals for 11 Oppressor weapons is quite easy if you don't mind doing the dailies for a few weeks. And for those of us that can't hench the Battle for LA, we're stuck buying at market price. (Ironically, the random-drop WiK greens are much harder to get, at least last I checked.)
Ah, well. The more things available for racking up HoM points, the better. I imagine a lot of people are waiting for the announcement of how it works in GW2 before making any major purchases, though.
Looking forward to new content, especially if they say it's going to take place in Cantha.|||Quote:

I love this, why?
Because I actually LIKE the oppressor's weapons. All of the destroyer/tormenter's weapons look horrible to me.
Agreed. The Oppressor weapons look good and are a worthy addition to the HoM.