Five years after I had created my last Prophecies character, I thought I'd travel back to Pre Searing and have some fun.... and there is Legendary Defender of Ascalon!
While there is a lot of fun in Pre until you reach a mid range level like 12, the silly death-levelling has to start soon after that. Let's be honest. Getting killed by wildlife until they level so high to give you XP again when killed is plain stupid, as it involves being AFK and no gameplay at all.
Wouldn't it be great to have a new game mechanic that reduces the death-levelling and promotes teaming up "beyond the wall"?
Those are some suggestions that might work:
(1.) Add a Lvl 15 boss to the Charr summoning shrine that only spawns after all the other four bosses are killed. (an unbound energy, now not controlled by the Charr). This would add an extra xp boost even for people beyond Lvl 15.
(2.) To promote teamplay instead of "leaving" beyond the wall, add another "lever" mechanic that releases a group of additional forces of Charr that are slightly stronger than the patrols now (3 random lvl 12 + a lvl 15 leader).
(3.) The leader of group (2.) will drop an item that will animate one of the Titan Effigies so it turns out to be a lvl 17 boss to fight.
This would put gameplay back beyond the wall and no stupid AFK sessions countless weeks.
Thoughts? The GuildWars Live team needs some nice things to work on!

Your ideas sound good. I always thought I'd be happy if they just gave like 1 XP for mobs below that usually give 0 XP.|||I totally agree with this, as once i have acquired my 50 HOM points and my GWAMM, i too plan to get Legendary defender of Ascalon.
But i think the major drawback to your ideas, will be that people who already went through the months of death leveling to achieve it will complain that their achievement is being cheapened somewhat due to the "Increased easiness" in obtaining it should your ideas be implemented.
Then again didn't the same thing happen with the Kurzick / Luxon titles? people FFF'ed their way to max and then complained when the faction for killing things was doubled and we got a nice big bonus for vanquishing an area? and im gonna guess more people had max Kur / Lux back then than people have LDOA now.
I don't know how many people actually have it, i would expect not so many due to it taking months of being AFK rather than just FFF over and over again, so i am all for your ideas Gorani, hell maybe even make a "Pre searing Hard mode" that you unlock after level 12 or 15, something that raises all the enemys levels to slightly higher levels, or something to that extent.
Either way i'm all for your ideas Gorani

- Tsukasa|||I like that idea very much! I long decided not to do LDoA because of the time (and wasted electricity) involved. Something like this would definitely re-interest me.|||I'd like this to happen, but...there is just one little thing. For some reasons devs dont want characters with LDoA and Legendary Survivor :||||I would totally go for these ideas! LDoA is a title I wouldn't mind going for, I just don't like the fact that it seems almost like death leveling is encouraged. In all seriousness though, couldn't it be considered an exploit (that Anet just hasn't cared too much about since it's not technically breaking anything), since it's a way of getting or doing something that is unintended?
I would also consider adding, since survivor is mutually exclusive with LDoA, the ability for any character to get survivor. After you die, the survivor xp should just reset back to 0, then you once again have a chance at Legendary Survivor until you die again, resetting back to 0. I mean, the pressure of not dying is still there. People just wouldn't have to reroll to try again. But this is for a completely different topic.|||well, they could introduce HM specifically made for pre-searing.
enemies don't go all the way to lvl 20+ but they turn in to lvl 10+, and with the 2 party member limit, things can get quite interesting.|||Quote:

I'd like this to happen, but...there is just one little thing. For some reasons devs dont want characters with LDoA and Legendary Survivor :|
If you can get to lvl 20 while fighting those new buffed mobs, you would deserve it.

But to kill off Survivors something could be modified like this:
(3.) The leader of group (2.) will drop an item that will animate one of the Titan Effigies so it turns out to be a lvl 17 boss to fight. After you defeat the Effigy a Flame Legion Shaman teleports in, insta-kills your team (ruining the Survivor) and reclaims the shrine (to continue the lore).
Anyway, I am glad I am not the only one that thinks the current LDoA is silly.|||In a way I agree that the title is silly and overly long to get, but in another way not.
Because there were level 20ies in Pre before titles were ever though up. The title was an afterthought, a reward for those crazy obsessive people who already had done the whole death-level thing.
It was never supposed to be an incentive to get new people to do it, unless they really really wanted to. I kinda like how there is this one title that is long, weird, and completely counterintuitive (what do you mean you defend Ascalon by dying over and over again?). I would therefore rather have it stay the way it is.|||It really, really is silly. Yes, it was a nod to the crazy people who got lvl 20 in pre but has the novelty not worn off yet? Anyway, I definitely wouldn't mind an update to pre, but I would much, much rather play gw2 (yes they can do both), but I'd also like another gw:beyond update, and extra updates for gw... they don't have to wait until gw2 for the whole talking to people in gw without logging on do they?
Idk, I would like this update, but they've always been a little stingy with pre updates in the past and I don't expect that to change anytime soon. Just glad to have nich there (so scammers can't get black dye for 50g each from newbs if nothing else).