29/30 titles done and what to do for the 30th title
Heres what I got done:
Asura, Canthan Cartographer, Canthan Elite Skill Hunter, Canthan Vanquisher, Deldrimor, Drunkard, Ebon Vanguard, Elonian Cartographer, Elonian Elite Skill Hunter, Elonian Vanquisher, Guardian of Cantha, Guardian of Elona, Guardian of Tyria, Legendary Cartographer, Legendary Guardian, Legendary Skill Hunter, Legendary Vanquisher, Lightbringer, Master of the North, Norn, Party Animal, Protector of Cantha, Protector of Elona, Protector of Tyria, Sunspear, Sweet Tooth, Tyrian Cartographer, Tyrian Elite Skill Hunter, Tyrian Vanquisher
And here are the ones that are close to being done:
Wisdom 39.50% done
Savior of the Kurzicks 28.57% done
Treasure Hunter 24.83% done
Unlucky 24.10% done
Lucky 19.14% done
Which one would be the easiest/fastest/cheapest to complete?
Plus any help in completing it/them would be sweet, I am in a really small guild.|||Cheapest: Kurzicks.
Fastest: Wisdom.
Easiest: Depends on how much money you have/are willing to spend.|||how far will 8 plat get me

I just got my Obby Armor, so funds are sparse at the moment.|||Treasure Hunter is a good title to go for, because maxing it will easily max Unlucky and bring you close to max Lucky, plus giving you the benefit of decreased breakage when salvaging. However, 8k will get you nowhere. I maxed TH in six months by running 25 chests a day (about 30-40 minutes) out of Boreal Station in NM. This cost me about 100k in picks per week. (More at first, and less as my retention rate increased.) You won't make back more than about 25% of that by merching the drops, even if you sell all the golds as unid.
It also took me six months to max Kurzick by doing one Arborstone vanquish per day. That took about an hour with H&H, and less when a friend joined me. This is without cost, except for the 100g paid at the shrine each run, so you will make money.
Sounds like a no-brainer if all you have is 8k. Go for the Kurzick.|||I'm in the same boat, and leaning towards Kurzick. A vanquish a day for the next six months would do it with minimal stress. (EDIT: I guess Brett and I are on similar wavelengths...

Then again, that's if I decide to go for it at all- I'd need the money for the three con titles as well, and before that I need to finish r3 Zaishen for the HoM points...|||Kurz will be easiest and you have a lot of ways to do it. FA/JQ/AB will all get you the faction plus balth facction for keys or whatever else you need on that. It will also get your Zaishen title going if you need the PvP for the HoM (Scutilla). Vanquishes and books will all help, but it’s still going to take you a few months. All these things earn money for you to work on the other titles.
Personally I’ve balancing it all out, as I work on Kurz through vanquishes and Z-stuffs I use the cash to buy lockpicks which works on the other three.|||Quote:

how far will 8 plat get me

I just got my Obby Armor, so funds are sparse at the moment.
Sounds like you should be heading to Echovald Forest soon.|||I Jade Quarried my way the Kurzick title; earned faction quick enough and also Z-keys along the way. And as others have said, you can Vanquish it as well (or both); either way is up to your preference.|||I just did 2 runs in Drazach Thicket and averaged 35 minutes, I'm just short of 3mil Kurzick faction now.
Well, guess I'll have something to do this winter.|||Kurzick isn't so bad as long as you take advantage of double weekends. I'd go for that; getting max Save Yourselves etc. is nontrivial.