This is just a request concerning the waiting game reset used to help find the items with 3 mods of them found during the mortal vessel quest. If a player has not completed the "Waiting Game" quest this year to reactivate it for everyone so that they may complete it this year. Thanks. ;)
I still hadn't completed it from last year (Kept wiping out at four horsemen with the previous team setup), I certainly hope it will be available.|||Same here, from last year as well, but I just wasn't doing much of the UW at all, TBH. But having it in my log at least gave me some sort of motivation to at least consider doing it at some point.
Although, for me, it doesn't necessarily matter to me if I get it back, it just surprised me to see it gone from my log yesterday after having it for a whole year.|||I'd like to see it back. It's a nice incentive to actually go in and do a full UW run.|||yeah would be nice for them to put it back as I had only completed it with one character (have a dozen or so more that would like to do it too)....but if it is not returning, then I really have little reason to go to the UW----|||Quote:

yeah would be nice for them to put it back as I had only completed it with one character (have a dozen or so more that would like to do it too)....but if it is not returning, then I really have little reason to go to the UW----
This.|||I guess having the waiting game stuck in everyone's quest inventory is to much a strain on the servers.|||I wanted the quest in all my logs again because my alliance is often doing UW anyway. It's nice to have extra goodies as part of the ride. :)|||Quote:

I guess having the waiting game stuck in everyone's quest inventory is to much a strain on the servers.
And how is that different from last year?|||I dunno. Maybe they didn't expect as many people to hold onto the quest as long as they did?
hell if I know, I'm just spinning my wheel of random excuses for anet.
For all we know, they could have ment to let us keep it, and just screwed up in the script somewhere.