I'm a researcher at Deakin University in Australia. I am conducting research into finding a solution to the booming crime of virtual property theft in virtual world games and environments (WoW, AoC, Eve, Guild Wars, Second Life etc).
I am keen on hearing from the Guild Wars Community in particular!
The Survey is quite short (5 mins if that) and flows well (very little if any writing will be required). I would very much appreciate your participation and input.
As you can see the link is legit. I have viewed forum rules and it appears it should be acceptable for me to post this here.
Thank you very much for your participation and lets all help to put an end to this crime!|||Completed!
Best of luck in your research!|||Completed:)
Many people might complain how Anet works but GW has never been a very popular game amongst gold farmer due continuesly nerfing of farming places and bans.|||What is the maximum amount of virtual currency/money or 'gold' have owned in the past?
Over 5000
Cue Vegita....|||Thanks everyone for your participation! Responses have been flooding in, pretty interesting results so far! Results will be posted once survey is finished and they are analyzed :)|||Quote:

What is the maximum amount of virtual currency/money or 'gold' have owned in the past?
Over 5000
Cue Vegita....
Haha, ye. Results from GW; 100% over 5000.

Anyways, took the survey.|||Quote:

Haha, ye. Results from GW; 100% over 5000.

Anyways, took the survey.
I once played an MMO game where I had a bank balance over 300 million. The richest guy in the game now has over 20 billion.
I think that question needs a little work.|||Yes.
MMORPGs use different currencies. How wealthy are you or have you been in the past?
- I am dirt poor, can't barely afford to buy necessary stuff
- I have enough money to buy what I need
- I am rich and can afford vanity items
- I am extremely wealthy and can buy whatever I want, whenever I want
- I am so rich that my bank account is straining the upper limits of the data base.
Something like that. Or split the wealth distribution of the population into percentages.|||Question 16, it's "whose" not "who's." "Who's" stands for "who is," "whose" designates ownership.|||there is one question that doesn't collide well with the next one, first it asks which MMO's you have played but then it asks how long.
in GW that's more then 5 years but any other is way lower, so ether the first question has to be changed in a 1 choice question and turn the question in "of all the MMO's, how long have you played the most" or make the next one a multiple answer question.