The 2011 Canthan New Year's Festival begins at noon Pacific (-8 GMT) on Thursday, February 3rd, 2011 and will end at noon Pacific (-8 GMT) on Monday, February 7th, 2011. On Sunday, February 6th, the Celestial Rabbit will appear in Shing Jea Monastery every three hours to sample Canthan cuisine.
Special Rewards
In addition to the items mentioned above, lucky players may find one of the rare Celestial Rabbit miniatures hidden inside a Lunar Fortune! Carry the divine beast's luck with you throughout the year!
If that's not enough to entice you, don't forget that if the Celestial Rabbit fully enjoys its meal, all those attending the feast receive two exciting treats: the explosively entertaining Crate of Fireworks, and a special mystery reward! We'd like to summon a description of this gift for you—but then it wouldn't be a mystery, would it?|||Hmm.......I wonder if the special mystery reward will be celestial summoning stones like last year. When they mention the phrase "summon a description of this gift for you".....it just kinda makes me wonder if it's summoning stones again. I guess we'll find out soon enough.|||Summoning stones is likely. Well, I'll never use them, but the celestial summons did look very pretty and shiny.
Looking forward to a Celestial Bunny. :3|||/groan
we dont need anymore summoning stones. I have one pane of storage full of them.
but will be getting my characters doing the quests for that mini!|||I expect that page was largely cut-and-paste from last year, and the mystery gift is no longer a mystery. The editor simply didn't bother to change the paragraph.|||The Wiki already lists that if the Rabbit gets 5 meals you get 5 summoning stones.
I've been doing my best to waste summoning stones when I can. The WiK one that summoned three helpers was invaluable in Vanquishing those annoying Grawl in Ascalon area. Take my group of four and turn it into seven.|||I really should start using stones for no particularly good reasons. If anyone wants them, catch me in-game.|||I liked it better when it rained Minipets during the finale.
You can see how much I care about the economy
Didn't get an ox from bags (friend gifted instead), no tiger either..
Slim chance at Rabbit.|||Drop rate for Tiger was increased last year, hoping it'll still be the same this year, I want the rabbit to keep my collection complete

And I need 3 more minis for HoM, so getting them by waiting a bit really saves my some money.|||I agree Jack, I hope the rabbit drops pretty quickly; gets boring doing those quests over and over. I've got plenty of money, I might just buy it, but I usually always get one (knock on wood) so I don't want to waste the money. hehe
I just got online and realized it doesn't start for another 15-20 minutes. /doh