First off, I couldn't do farming for most of the time the drops were active.
Didn't get off work until mid afternoon, and we had to do some shopping.
THurs was clean the house day, then we went over to friends of the family house afterwards. Didn't get home until late.
Friday... well... we all know how that went. Up at 2am, got in line at 3:30.
After I get back home, I get yelled at for buying something I shouldn't have, so no sleep that day. And more cleaning.
Saturday, met with people to give them early christmas gift, and help them shop for accessories for it. (inexpensive laptop that they'll need before christmas because they're going on flight. Anything that helps them pass the 5 hours in the flying can has got to be good. I wish them luck getting through security though)
And now it's sunday, and most of the day I've tried to farm, but... at times solo farming is just... a pain. And it may be just me, but it seems like pie and cider drops mainly from higher end mobs. The lower end ones seem to hardly drop at all.
So end result, I bought a stack of ciders for 25k. yay. Wait a few months, that'll quad out on costs. The pie is another matter. Can't find anyone selling that for beans. 60k per stack is the minimum price lately. (240g each)
Ever since rock candies got nerfed, pie has been in demand.
I'm kind of wishing anet would have collectors for items in exchange for pie and ciders.
Last year I was able to buy stack o Pie for like... 25 or 30k I think. I used it up in a month. Also had plenty leftover on various charas.
Ah well...
I suppose I should consider myself lucky. 2 more weeks till I gotta start the grind.|||You paid 25k for a stack of cider? I think you got ripped off. I gave away three stacks to an ally because level 1 alcohol is not worth the trouble to try to sell these days. There is so much level 5 alcohol around that nobody wants level 1, and 100g/min is an outrageously-high price for it. I've seen people offering level 1 alky for 50g/min with no takers. I'm even having trouble unloading 9 stacks of level 5 alky for 80g/min, when it used to be a near-instant sell at that price.
I'm pretty pleased that the vaettir coughed up four stacks of pie for me, which will keep me going for a year. I'm even more pleased that they coughed up so many gold weapons, putting me over 300 IDs closer to Wisdom.|||If you have trouble selling for those prices, sell them to me

Yet again, why the huge pressure to earn virtual cash noone cares about?|||I think I played some 30 hours of PvE during this event. That's some 7 hours PER DAY.
I have some 40 pies and ciders each to show for it.
But I guess that's acceptable because I don't NEED sweets or booze, right?|||Quote:

Yet again, why the huge pressure to earn virtual cash noone cares about?
To help alleviate the huge pressure of maxing out one's HoM? Most of that stuff's expensive; part of the reason I'm not bothering. I prefer the low pressure approach of "Meh, it's just a game." Life's too short to spend my leisure time doing things I don't want to do, like grinding and farming. I'd rather kick back, enjoy the game, and have fun.|||isn't it rum......|||Quote:

To help alleviate the huge pressure of maxing out one's HoM? Most of that stuff's expensive; part of the reason I'm not bothering. I prefer the low pressure approach of "Meh, it's just a game." Life's too short to spend my leisure time doing things I don't want to do, like grinding and farming. I'd rather kick back, enjoy the game, and have fun.
I want to go as far with my own HoM as well, it's not really that.
I just don't break down pshycologically if I don't have an extra 3 hours a day to sit down and grind.
Hell, there's still many months until it becomes even remotely relevant.
There are also still much quicker ways of hoarding cash in this game than farming event items.|||When the pie arrived, I started farming in earnest! W/N raptor farm gogogo!
But I got bored of it after about half hour, and really didn't do much more over the weekend. *shrug* I can buy rice cakes and wine if I really really really want them.|||I didn't play too much this weekend, only long enough to do the Shining Blade bounties. I got 2 apple ciders back to back but that's it. Not one pie. I'd rather have the pie just for the sweet tooth points; I have no use for booze. But meh, I'm not too worried about it.

Pie has been in demand indeed, I wonder if the drop rate of it has also decreased? I have no idea but it is hard to find; I've seen people spamming cider sales but no pie. Why is the pie gone?!|||You can do pretty much everything in this game by just doing quests and missions. I also ended up with 30-40 of each this event.