So, if you have an extra ingredient or two and need a few others post your haves and needs here. Also take the time to post some farming ideas that may help people get ready for the Celestial Visit.
1st hint from me:
Smoking Remains were a pain until I started flagging my heroes. I now get rid of all the Mursaat and Jades in the first part of Ring of Fire mission. Then I clear out the Jade Bows and Ether Seal near where the Nightmares pop up.
Then flag your heroes and henchies way back near the start of the mission. Use a good farming build, SoS works well, and pop the Nightmares off to the left of the start area. Then go back and pop the ones after the Ether Seal near the Drakes. You should kill a total of Six Nightmares and average 1 Smoking remain a run.
The bonus to this is the Drakes drop Fiery Crests which you also need. It takes about 5 or 6 minutes to complete the farm but unfortunately, the drakes have a horrible crest drop rate.
Now, here is what I have and what I need. Once I have traded for everything I need I will put the rest of my excess up for grabs. Try and be reasonable with your requests for what I have left. Remember, extra stuff goes up for grabs AFTER I trade to fill out what I need.
What I HAVE extra
Fiery Crests - 1
Alpine Seeds - 4
Dragon Root - 1
Mantis Pincers -9
Naga Hides - 10
Igneous Spider Legs - 2
Ebon Spider Legs - 20
Unctuous Remains - 3
Truffles - 3
Half Eaten Blobs - 21
Azure Remains - 11
Icy Loadstones - 12
Guardian Moss - 1
Archaic Kappa Shells - 2
Kraken Eyes - 4
Bonesnap Shells - 1
Azure Crests - 1|||I now have these items to give away for the Canthan New Year Festival.
1 Fiery Crest
1 Dragon Root
10 Naga Hide
20 Ebon Spider Leg
1 Bonesnap Shell
1 Unctuous Remains
12 Half-Eaten Blob
2 Azure Remains
12 Icy Loadstone
Send me a PM with an approximate time you will be on line Eastern Standard Time or GMT and what you need plz.|||I'm new to this holiday... how many of each of these materials do i need to collect to be successful?
Please tell me my whole account only needs 1x each of all items... oh please... :'(|||Each district needs one set of these per event to be successful. What you can do if you don't want to get all of these yourself is to either team up with other friends to share the burden OR join a "sponsored" district for a free ride.
Guilds will usually announce on forums like these closer to the event which districts they will be hosting at what times.|||Yes, ccrazool, you personally need zero items. Just find a district that is sponsored and you will be fine. People and or groups sponsoring a district will need 9 of each item. That is one set of items for the 9 times that the event will take place over the course of the event day day.
As usual, I will be sponsoring a district myself. This is the last year for me as the extra items above are the only items extra that I got this year. Most years I am well over half way to the next year but this year that didn't happen and I am tired of farming items. That is the main reason I am giving them away. That and storage space.
What I may need is someone to carry out the wee hours of the morning (for me) events. Just one or two of them would be great. The 2nd and 3rd events are at 6AM and 9AM EST for me and are going to be a pain to do.|||Quote:

Yes, ccrazool, you personally need zero items. Just find a district that is sponsored and you will be fine. People and or groups sponsoring a district will need 9 of each item. That is one set of items for the 9 times that the event will take place over the course of the event day day.
As usual, I will be sponsoring a district myself. This is the last year for me as the extra items above are the only items extra that I got this year. Most years I am well over half way to the next year but this year that didn't happen and I am tired of farming items. That is the main reason I am giving them away. That and storage space.
What I may need is someone to carry out the wee hours of the morning (for me) events. Just one or two of them would be great. The 2nd and 3rd events are at 6AM and 9AM EST for me and are going to be a pain to do.
Ahh, I understand now, thanks.
I'll get extra lunar tokens if I provide the goodies, which is nice, but failing all else, I can just find a sponsored district and get the basic rewards.
Are the Lunar Tokens the "drops from any random mob" collectable for this holiday, then? Shall I be heading out to the raptor cave?
Hrmm... looking at all the items and trying to piece them all together is a bit hard to do, but I think I'm getting the jist of it. I hope they "juice up" one of the rewards for this holiday as they did with the Snowball Dominance reward for Wintersday. How about an easy repeatable quest that gives 10x Red Gift Bags as a reward?

A few farming tips:
* Guardian Moss
Leave from Boreas, remember that spirits have the same range as a longbow. The Island Guard. right outside the zone has wallows you have to kill, but after that you can avoid killing most wallows (unless a moss drops). Just take out the 2 near the entrance, then go west hugging the south border of the map.
* Dragon Root
If you still have access to the quest A New Escort, then about 10+ Dragon Moss will spawn right outside Saint Anjeka's Shrine. There's a couple groups of Wardens that come though here too so watch out for them.
* Igneous Spider Legs
* Ebon Spider Webs
I found this pretty easy to do with an SoS (I took a rit) and some hero runners (fallback/charge/incoming/never surrender/rezsigs). Just start the mission, wait for the mursaat to clear, rush up the to the right side of the loop and take out the 2 small mursaat groups before the patrol comes through. Then SoS down the tower, clear bows, farm smoking remains if you need them, then just run north, across the lava and past the 2nd tower to trigger the cut scene (if you die, remember you can flag your heroes to where the cut scene trigger is and you will be rezed). Then clear a few of the mesmers flag away your heroes and start farming the spitters. I only did this once, but got there pretty fast (I didn't need smoking remains) and netted 9 webs and 5 legs.)|||This will be the first year I actually do something besides afk on 9 rings.
Can I turn in like 12 mantis pincers at the first event or is it limited to 1 per event?|||Quote:

This will be the first year I actually do something besides afk on 9 rings.
Can I turn in like 12 mantis pincers at the first event or is it limited to 1 per event?
I think they take every last one you have in inventory but they only need one. I always make sure I only have one of each item but then again I am trying to do all nine event times.|||Quote:

This will be the first year I actually do something besides afk on 9 rings.
Can I turn in like 12 mantis pincers at the first event or is it limited to 1 per event?
You can spam-click the chef and he will take multiples as long as he hasn't called out the next ingredient. As soon as he called a new ingredient, the previous one won't be accepted anymore.