Just kidding. It's probably some official artwork slopped together in photoshop with a crap load of blur tool applied that only 11 year old boys would think looks good. I wouldn't know - I'm too depressed to look at any of them.
Maybe my e-mail is broken? I keep reinstalling my OS 'cause I can't see the dervish update or even the preview notes - could my broken computer be to blame for my loss? Oh well.
By strange, popular demand: [The results]
About as much fun as the henchman skill bar contest?
Criteria may have been based on whatever stroked the judge's egos the most.. meow.|||at least post the link|||A lot of great work, as usual. :) I love Koreena's stuff. I wonder if she/he sells any of it. Of course, that might go against copy right laws, but still... I likes them.|||Quote:
It's probably some official artwork slopped together in photoshop with a crap load of blur tool applied that only 11 year old boys would think looks good. I wouldn't know - I'm too depressed to look at any of them.
Not depressed enough to post about it.
Winners a sewn/knitted-together plush, by the way.
People sure are starting to sew more these days.|||Congrats to the winners! I think my personal favorite is one of the honorable mentions actually... (this one) I also really like Steven R's entry.|||Congrats to the winners! Surprised I didn't see Tzu this time around, but she might have been busy.
Also, regarding Koreena, I thought she did have a site where you could order her plushies but it might not still be around. I'm not seeing it actually. She's also made jewelry like summoning stone necklaces and earrings. She does a great job.

I really like the art of Dwayna holding the polar bear, I think it's one of my faves besides Kiya's stuff.|||Quote:

Surprised I didn't see Tzu this time around, but she might have been busy.
She indeed was. She set up the workshop initially, but a few other people ended up maintaining it because she got too busy to log in.|||Very few "manga-nized" entries this time, which is good IMO.
Koreena's stuff is good, but she turned in the Gwen doll, the summoning stones and the skill icons last year already...not worth a second place for me, this time.
#5 is photoshopped official artwork, which looks nice, but isn't as original as other stuff.
I wonder what the original photography of #8 was, but I don't suspect a motive we all know (like a movie poster)
I like #16 (Dwayna with CC) for its great combo of graphic tablet drawing & Photoshop filters|||Ah I see satomz. I figured she was here somewhere. hehe|||Quote:

#5 is photoshopped official artwork, which looks nice, but isn't as original as other stuff.
I guess for Anet it's just "as long as it looks nice, even if they throw a few photoshop filters on our work".