ANET just posted a new survey on their blog asking for input about the War In Kryta content.
Not taken it myself yet but i'm about to once i post this, the input looks to be used for future GW:B content.
- Tsukasa|||I'll take on an opportunity to leave feedback (seems weird to have a survey though; just that they have not done something like this before to my remembrance).
"How would you feel about having a party that you could fill with Heroes?"...
... lets review the right answer

It does seem odd that they did this survey. Particularly when then can look at any number for posts from various forums and get feedback/information on how people felt about WiK and what they'd like to see in the future. Of course, I suppose they probably want feedback from those who lurk and don't/won't post on the public forums, and this would be a way to do that.|||I just took the survey. I liked the war in Kryta, something different that also goes with the game's storyline. I wish we'd hear more about Thackeray though, it's been almost 3 months. The Vanguard sure is taking their sweet time resting.|||Answered it. Everyone should answer yes to the full party of heroes question near the end of the survey.|||Survey does seem odd, but they will get a lot more responses aside from us normal complainers on the forums, there is a lot more people out there that only lurk or never use the forums.
I’ll be happy if I just get some type of Hero or Hench in the elite areas out of this. 7 henchies for UW will make life much easier. As most are fully able to Vanquish HM with H/H I don’t think it would be that important, just make things easier for us. Allowing us to finally go to an elite area without spending 30 min trying to get a group together, having it wipe, then trying to spend another hours finding another group would be amazing…
Seriously most the questions I don’t know why they bothered…
Do you want more stuff?
Do you want full parties of heros?
Did they really need to ask?|||I too picked the highest option for full hero parties, its the best possible answer

I also mentioned that i thought the war was fine in terms of length, but what was annoying was just getting one dialogue per week or every two weeks, i mentioned smaller multiple dialogues throughout each week being a different option to keep interest,
For example, rather than have Gwen find for example a piece of keirans armor one week, then another another week, maybe have smaller dialogues such as finding the armor on Monday, maybe Wednesday there is one of her traveling to another area, maybe meeting up with the falcons on Friday, then the next armor on Monday, helps spread it out and keep interest imo, and would give a feeling we are traveling with her, rather than popping in and out every week or so.
Also mentioned about the last quests of WIK being to difficult for solo players with hero and hench, two low level hench against high twenties enemys was nigh on impossible, even with good hero builds.
If we do go to Ascalon next time it shouldn't be a problem since its a max party size of 4 anyway, but it might be helpfull for future story arcs (Cantha + Elona)
Otherwise i thaught it was a good survey, though i agree about there not being an option for the Viral campaign part of it, but i think they mostly wanted to gauge how difficult people found the content, how easy it was to access, and if they actually enjoyed the story and lore.
As for me i found the content nicely balanced except for the last two missions which were horrible (Near infinite groups in temple of the intolerable with low level hench, and similar for Battle for Lions Arch with 3 heroes and 2 low level hench).
Hopefully they get some good results from this survey, and full hero parties get the go ahead

That and we get some good in depth lore and more epic stories / content :D
- Tsukasa|||I think full hero parties would be best, especially for people later on who once opening access to the WiK and all these more challenging Guild Wars Beyond additions that people have already played through, well... it will be a lot harder to find live player groups since most (I would imagine) would be done. I know after doing the WiK, I really do not have the desire to complete it on all my other characters.
I mean, it was (especially now) kind of hard to find a group to do a previous days bounty (if you wanted a live group). Right now it is hard finding a group for the final battle even.
My hero/hench teams can easily do the missions/bounties/quests for WiK, but that final battle (would help a lot to have full hero parties).

I also mentioned that i thought the war was fine in terms of length, but what was annoying was just getting one dialogue per week or every two weeks, i mentioned smaller multiple dialogues throughout each week being a different option to keep interest,
I hadn't thought of this, good point though; I agree it would be best to make the content continuously flowing until the end.|||As I think about things I’m favoring full party heros if you finished the campaign, NM should be fine, but I may just be restricting things because I think others should have a challenge too…
I mentioned to them it would be nice not to have to go through every dialogue once things are under way. I’m not the kind of person who wants to run two maps away just to see someone talk, so I wait until I need to do it for the unlock and now I have to re-zone six times…really annoying. If people want to run to be the first for the dialogue let them, but those of us who don’t want to see each one let us get strait to the action.|||I noticed on the blog, just after it, they're having a special VIP gathering to play GW2 preview.
Friggin east coasters...
merf... hope at least someone takes a few good pictures of the event.