As I was doing Gadd's encampment I decided that it wouldn't hurt to have a decent enchant removal so opted for strip enchantment on the grounds that it was an effective enchant remover and would go with an SS running Awaken the blood. Didn't realise how ******** it has become until I tried to remove some enchants and just the top one came off. I then had to wait an age for the stupid thing to recharge. I'm not in the habit of playing a nec and can't be arsed reading the useless meanderings of an Anet bumpkin on the skill changes, but why has a fairly useful skill skill been nerfed to oblivion just because some stupid flag runners (or something) in GvG, which I have never really played, use it quite a lot?
This reminds me of a lot of my least favourite nerfs:
Hex breaker - used to be pretty godly when GW launched to keep players free of hexes. Loved it in both random arenas and PvE and it was the reason that my oldest surviving character was originally a W/Me... nerfed to oblivion - the damage is now so low, and the recharge such a pain in the arse, that hexers can just keep spamming on a target to abandon. So much for balancing builds! This just encourages skill bars filled with 6-8 hexes! Wastrels' spamming is just lame but unfortunately common in the casual arenas I participate in.
Shelter (& to some extent Union) - when Factions first launched, the protection offered by Shelter was highly appreciated and made a communing Rit a valuable member of a PvE team... and then Anet nerfed it because GvG and HoH teams were abusing it. In my opinion support Rits have never recovered (at least in PvE). Monks can now easily heal multiple targets very quickly and affordably thanks to HB, Heal party, UA, WoH etc... if you just wait 20seconds my Life spirit will die and everyone gets 140 health... yay! Until SoS got buffed I'd have said that outside DoA, rits were largely an irrelevance.
Winter (and ranger spirits in general) - they apply a useful status effect which used to be a worthwhile addition. But HoH was dominated by teams exploiting the robustness of spirits and benefitting from the effects they provided so they got nerfed to abandon. If you haven't invested significantly in their attribute they will die the second they get attacked... or even if you have, one casting of firestorm will annihilate all spirits in sight! Does anyone ever use conflagration anymore?
I have to say that I despise what these nerfs do to the game (and to some extent the effect of selective buffs). Anet is proud to claim the variety card thanks to the number of elite and normal skills in the game, but many of these have been nerfed or overlooked when other skills were buffed that they are largely an irrelevance. PvE warriors invariably appear to only run Hundred blades or Defy Pain builds by and large. Rangers seem to be exclusively barrage in PvE and whilst I respect the fact that there is a lot more variation in their builds in PvP, I still regret the passing of Melandru's arrows in particular as a viable skill ( I used to love this in RA for its ability to annihilate a Wammo in seconds - dual shot FTW), as such skills have stagnated as other skills have been buffed (no increase to damage/effectiveness whilst healing effects have leapt massively in potency and other attach skills were buffed to supremacy).
For all its potential and variety, GW seems to have become distilled to just a few builds... the classic example is the PvE paragon... if it ain't an Imbagon, what's it doing in the group?|||pretty much in answer to this, anet has been shifting skill balance into a pvp/pvp mode.
Unfortunately, some skills are still nerfed from before when they were doing everything at once.
The flip side of that coin is dealing with buffs that are greatly increased from mobs end, especially in HM.
The mesmer update really made dealing with most mesmer mobs in HM an extreme pain, to the point they have to be targeted first in a group, even before the monks.
I'm not a pvp person, so I couldn't tell you the comparisons between one version or another real bad, but it does seem like they need to go back and rework old skills that got stabbed in the heart for pvp's sake.
And yeah... taking a rit that isn't an attacking sprit spammer usually seems like a waste of time, and in most pug's will get you kicked out... unless you have a second rit who IS an attack spirit spammer.|||Quote:

For all its potential and variety, GW seems to have become distilled to just a few builds... the classic example is the PvE paragon... if it ain't an Imbagon, what's it doing in the group?
Why does that matter? Honest question.
Take any other competitive game, like Quake 3 for instance. You don't need 5 different varieties of shotguns if the one they have in the game works just fine, which it does.|||Quote:

For all its potential and variety, GW seems to have become distilled to just a few builds... the classic example is the PvE paragon... if it ain't an Imbagon, what's it doing in the group?
Dealing about the same damage a ranged Axe Warrior would do? Except none of the fun AoE skills...
Clearing DoA in a certain team build?
Conflagration was never used though. Greater Conflagration with Winter in certain areas, but Conflagration is a waste of a skill slot.|||Quote:

Dealing about the same damage a ranged Axe Warrior would do? Except none of the fun AoE skills...
Clearing DoA in a certain team build?
Conflagration was never used though. Greater Conflagration with Winter in certain areas, but Conflagration is a waste of a skill slot.
Yeah OK, I meant Greater Conflagration. If as I assume you are referring to the paras in the DwG build, then they are Imbagon's with a minimal variance - Lightbringer sig instead of spear of fury or whatever variant you normally use does not make that build cease to be an Imbagon. The Imbagon build pretty much just refers to the presence of SY, (even TNTF is of secondary concern as you can't keep it up permanently - unless you really stack consumables maybe).
If you are referring to another Para build, I must be missing something. Everytime I go to DoA, the only parties being assembled are DwGs looking for Imbagons.|||from the moment they nerved the necro because of PvP, i have said several times that they have to stop nerfing the necro in PvE.
it's powerful with specific skills yes, but all other skills, nerved to oblivion just because PvP has a problem with it, are now completely useless in PvE.
i'm not asking them to buff every skill the necro has, i ask them to buff the ones for PvE that need a buff big time.
i have bin plagued by this several times, but i still think vampire gaze and some other blood skills need to be ether stronger or have something els that makes them a lot more useful.|||Hah, enchantment removal in PvE..
I am kind of disgusted with the power level of things being randomly bumped up over twice as strong as PvE only skills. (Also everything possible getting AoE stapled to it, since the way they designed the game gives it a massive edge.) Giving people more options to incorrectly build their characters is the antithesis of balance.
But what really is started to grate is it looks like my computer is broken. I've reinstalled Windows 98 twice, called my ISP, and still every time I refresh there's NOTHING THERE.
What's wrong with my computer guys?|||it's way to much out-of-date, win 98....seriously, win XP ok....but win 98?|||If you haven't played for months, but was an avid player before that, then you really don't have an excuse for not looking up the obvious changes that have been made since then.
You can't expect a game that isn't exclusively singleplayer or 5+ years old to stay the same just for your luxury.
You don't have a problem with anything else than people acting logically. And well, to be honest that ain't gonna change.|||I kinda like skill updates, even though I only play PvE. It keeps the game fresh. I can see how it can be annoying for people who just want to play without having to change their build everytime.

But what really is started to grate is it looks like my computer is broken. I've reinstalled Windows 98 twice, called my ISP, and still every time I refresh there's NOTHING THERE.
What's wrong with my computer guys?
You're using Windows 98, that's why. My god, what hardware are you running on? O.o