The Hunters Solstice is a something similar to Wintersday which is celebrated by the Norn every year or at least as close as the Norn get to a holiday. Although they don't hand out gifts and presents like other races, they do gather and compete in games of chance, tell great tales, drink, and of course compete in contests of strength. The largest of these gatherings takes place each year before Wintersday and warriors far and wide come to compete each year at the Hunter's Solstice. Each year a champion is chosen among those who compete. Will you compete for this honor? Events to kick off December 1st within the Crossing Tyria Forums, followed by an in-game party on December 11th in Gunnar's Hold International Dist 1. There will be plenty of prizes awarded during our forum contests and at our party on December 11th.
Need your story completed before GW 2 and still have work to do on that Hall of Monuments? Take a lesson from the Norn and join them in their Winters Holiday, true heroes compete and live their story. The Norn build their reputations based on their own heroic events, accomplishments and stories. Those who compete in the Hunter's Solstice are awarded each year with fabulous pets, armor, weapons and items befitting a true hero. This year as Wintersday approaches, the other races of Tyria, Cantha, and Elona will all get the chance to build their own stories as they compete in the Hunter's Solstice and have an opportunity to ensure that they are remembered by their descendants for generations to come.
Head over to the forums on Crossing Tyria to see details as they are revealed on Wednesday.|||The event has started on the forums. The sooner you participate the more chances you have to win.
Grand Champion
Norn Armor of player's choice profession
5 Bison Tokens
Highlander or Norn woad player's choice
Oppressor Weapon
Destroyer Weapon
3 undedicated minipets
Runner Up
Norn Armor of player's choice profession
5 Bison Tokens
Oppressor Weapon
3 undedicated minipets
All participants will be entered in daily random drawings for Hero Armor, Minipets, or Weapons.
All those participating in at least two of the events will be entered in a drawing for 50,000 gold to be awarded at our in-game party.|||Our forum events have come to an end, but you can still party with us in game. Join us in Gunnar's Hold ID1 at 9:00pm EST for fun, games, and prizes.