The Mad Monarch is upon us, while the rest of you were enjoying the festivities ingame, we were busy pumping out a new issue with the theme: Shadows of Tyria
Our new issue includes lore on Mad King Thorn, an in-depth view on the process of Nightfall and the Demonic Armies involved. We have two interviews, one with Colin Johanson asking him all the questions we could not ask on GamesCom and another interview with the Queen of Halloween herself, Mad Queen Malafide! Next to this we also take a look at the dead and undead, dhuum and the underworld, review Ghosts of Ascalon and more!
Be sure to leave your feedback over at our site, either in the comments or on our magazine-related forum!

I am King Thorn of Kryta! I command you to entertain me on this Hallowed Eve!

She is said to be the Queen of Halloween, find out what motivates her.

A dark prophecy of the end of the days.

Evil can take many forms.

Colin (Lead content designer) answers some questions and tells us a bit about himself.

Read up on a spoiler-free review by MintyMint and the team's opinion on the book.

There is more to them than meets the eye.

A recap of some of the most entertaining Guild Wars videos on YouTube.

Find out about the existence and stories of this dangerous place.

The results are in! Check out the winning entries.

Background lore on the newly sprung race in GW2.

The last tidbits and a preview of what we're planning for the next issue.

(Right click -> �Save as� to download the magazine)
Note: Clicking on Download will show you a white loading page, please be patient as it loads, as it might take a while.
We are a community driven project, if you'd like to send in some of your work check out this page:
http://www.guildmag.com/submit|||Have to say, I'm surprised at the amount of readable content you guys still manage to produce. Good job.|||Another amazing issue! I loved reading the Ghosts of Ascalon reviews and I learned new things about Mad King Thorn (I never knew he loved someone haha). Great job yet again!|||With an awesome team like ours, it's easy to keep awesome stuff for everyone to enjoy! We're also looking to expand our team, but since I'm not allowed to make such advertisements, I left it out of the post...
Anyhow, Tender Wolf, your story will be back next issue, we kind of forgot to make the pages for it, but when we found out, we had to release this to keep the halloween theme going :p Again, sorry!