A short excerpt:
We're close to unveiling the new Dervish and wanted to give you a preview of some exciting changes that are coming with it. Updating the Dervish was one of Live Team's biggest projects to date, and we aimed to fix many of the core issues with this profession. When approaching the update, we wanted to do more than just boost the damage numbers on a few skills; we wanted to cultivate the essence of what makes the Dervish an interesting class. This meant altering or even getting rid of some clunky mechanics that were holding back smooth gameplay. When the changes were finished, we wanted to know we'd done more than just make the Dervish deal more damage; we wanted the class to be fun to play and to have its own unique style.
To realize these goals, we altered over 90% of the Dervish skills in the game. Changes range from small, numerical adjustments to complete functionality overhauls. Additionally, we changed how Mysticism works, added a new type of spell to the game, and made tweaks to scythe damage. Altogether, the Dervish update is much larger and more inclusive than last year's update of the Mesmer. It's also taken much longer than the Mesmer update, but we think that the amount of fun and innovation we've returned to the Dervish makes it worth the wait.|||What a great surprise! Thank you for the release!|||Soooo... were the 1.5 second scythe attack speed and added innate armor from mysticism If Enchanted ideas scrapped?|||Reading the update, they arent going to make scythes single target, idiots.
Without that change nothing else matters, this is going to be one big buff fest and it will result in either: Dervish being imba, for a bit, before beign nerfed. Dervishes being slightly more useable, and everyone still better.
FFS change scythes to single target!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 1111ONE!!!|||Quote:
FFS change scythes to single target!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 1111ONE!!!
LOL, it would make sense, but it's the scythe's selling point and I guess they like it too much to change it. I'd like to see the aoe tied to mysticism honestly, with the 3-foe rule only being reached at a high rank, like 12.
But anyway, reading the hell outta this.|||Quote:

FFS change scythes to single target!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 1111ONE!!!
I'm pretty sure if that was the solution, the people we had in the Test Krewe would have figured that out already.
Guess what.
It wasn't the solution.|||The preview isn't telling me much that I didn't already 'suspect'.
Nice to have adrenaline confirmed. Must remember to buy a furious mod for my derv's spear. And a furious scythe snathe.
Mmm, adrenaline dervish.|||Quote:
It wasn't the solution.
You can not balance a weapon that auto attacks multiple enemies, when all other weapons are balanced towards single targets, If they want AOe, fine, theres plenty of ways to do that, but scythes are breaking PvE, its just not worth it to use any other melee weapon in PvE.
If the test crew is so smart then howcome we still have godmode (Shadowform) oh yea, because people like godmode regardless of how retarded it is!
OH LOOK i can autoattack 3 lvl 28 undeads for 200 dmg each! Isnt it great to have an auto attack dps over 500? Wait youre using axe? WTH would you do that? AH you can..no wait i Deep wounded everyone allready, sorry about your evischerate being useless.|||I understand the reasoning of changing skills to use adrenaline but I don't like it... but it's only due to how I view the Derv as opposed to any balancing issues so I'll get used to it.
Some of the attacks seem a bit excessive... Irresistible Sweep seems almost like an elite Wild Swing.

... scythes are breaking PvE...
Hehe... made me laugh|||Well, every other frontline AND the paragon have stance killing attacks. Dervish was missing out. The bonus damage might be quite small or might yet be scrapped.