Ok well i was getting ready to delete my level 6 warrior so i sell all his armor for like 400 gold, and some guy walks up to me opens a trade window and gives me 35 platinum. he says to me "you look poor"
i didnt tell him i just sold my gear but seriously wth?

oh and 4 the record i have a lvl 20 rit and a lvl 20 derv.|||Ok, I'll bite after 19 views.... he probably stole someone's account and was giving money away for laughs.|||Maybe not. Some people give stuff away and the amount does depend on how much they actually have. Maybe his Storage was full of gold and that was just what he had accumulated on that character in a few days.
I know I will give random low req non-max golds to newbie characters in Ascalon. I just hate to sell something like a q4 12-20 gold bow to a merchant. I have received quite a few thanks. Some of them from people saying that they had a bunch of higher Q things but nothing for the new character.|||For people who farm, 35k isn't all that much gold. I know some people who are retired who play 8 hours a day, usually places like DoA. That's about an armbrace a day, which I think is worth 150k (although I never sell anything at all to other players so don't quote me.)
There are definitely people who don't know what to do with their money. Particularly if you've maxed HoM, there is almost literally nothing to do with it.|||Did you keep the gold or just thank him and explain that you were just getting rid of the chara?|||Best part is when people ask "Is that all?".|||..................0_0...........wow
the most i get is annoying warriors dancing against me when removing armor.......|||He or she was just laundrying money

After I'd done with Master of the North title, I had a bunch of greens I was never gonna use (some nice looking ones too). I just went to a couple of main towns and gave them out to whoever felt they needed them. Giving away stuff is so much faster than trying to sell it. :p
People in GW are generally pretty nice. Just don't run around begging or *****ing about how mean people are, and you will make friends. If I have stuff going spare, I usually am more than happy to donate it to those who might get use out of it.|||I got a green a few months ago from someone handing them out like you did kokabel.
As to generosity backfiring and people begging, I helped out a guy that had just joined my guild with 10K. I told him at the time that that was IT! NO MORE! I was NOT RICH!
For the next 3 weeks all I got was, "I need more money".....
