However, if each costume would be only allowed in PvP for a given profession (that resembles the costume) then this would fix the problem, as well as give an incentive for PvP players to get costumes.
Here's my proposed match-up, based on similarity with existing armor art:
Balthazar (W)
Wedding (Me)
Shining blade (R)
Dwayna (Mo)
Grenth (D)
Lich (N)
Lunatic (Rt) - or vice-versa with N
White mantle (P?)
Melandru (E?)
We'd have to wait for a good costume match for Assassins (or they'll complain), and other costumes would have to be build with this in mind (roughly try to match them to professions so each profession gets the same costume count).
The same could be done with hats, of course, and potentially with tonics as well.
Comments? Flames?|||Just let costume headgears be visible in PvP and not the rest of the costumes imo.|||That would assume that either the player has access to all costumes on his account or one costume unlocks all others for PvP...
Not sure if either of those would work.|||@Sir Jack:
I was assuming that if you want to wear a costume, you have to purchase it. You only need the costumes you want to wear, which of course would be limited by the profession(s) you play.
i.e. someone wanting to play as a shining blade in RA would need to play ranger *and* buy the shining blade costume.
Only headgear would certainly be a good start, those could be independent of profession.|||I vote for these to be used for assassin costume.

Anyone remember these, by the way?

edit: I'd pay for this to be a costume. Ok, maybe not, but some people would.|||Those were ****ing stupid.
It was utterly impossible to see what was going on.
The suggestion could work I guess. It's clear you did think it through before spewing random **** like all the idiots in Riverside did constantly while not considering any proper argument.
What I do however have to say is that some of the costumes really do not have any nuanced looks that relate well to any specific class. Not to shoot down the idea, since anything that can open up for ways to create revenue off already created content without BS methods is a good thing.
What you could do is allow for them to be viewed in some way ingame so you can actually familiarize them if you don't own them yourself and don't exactly spend hours in outposts every day.|||Quote:

What I do however have to say is that some of the costumes really do not have any nuanced looks that relate well to any specific class.
Indeed, I had difficulty with White Mantle as well as Melandru. The others felt much more easy to classify. Maybe those that are too ambiguous should simply not be included?

What you could do is allow for them to be viewed in some way ingame so you can actually familiarize them
Is this necessary? I mean, PvP players learn to recognize armor arts via exposure in-game and/or via wiki. I think it'd be reasonable to ask them to learn the link between costumes and professions, especially if the link is fairly obvious.|||I don't mind this idea but I don't do PVP and would not be thrilled at spending like $7 per costume. Not to shoot down the idea, but this will lead to another PVP/PVE argument (i.e., why do PvPers get their own special costumes? They can wear the ones PvE players can wear already but now they get their own. That's not fair."). Because if they are limited to a certain profession, then not everyone's main can wear all the costumes, unlike the current ones. Just shooting stuff off here.|||TW, I think you missed my point. Currently, PvP players can't use the costumes during play, only in outposts. So costumes are kinda PvE-only as it is. So the idea would be to make current PvE-only-ish costumes available during PvP play as well, only limited by profession (again, a limitation not imposed on PvE players).
So it'd go from heavily in favor of PvE players to moderately in favor of PvE players, and PvP players would never enjoy the freedom or choice that PvE players already enjoy.