What's interesting is the only place I pushed her through was the desert.
That's where I got her missions and ascension done, although I think for some reason, she didn't get 50k for ascending. I never saw it come up, nor did I see it in the chat log.
Oh well.
After that, went through and capped all the skills on Dunes,
then went through and capped a good portion of the skills via dragon's lair, then borrowed the Path to Revelations quest from another account, and proceeded to finish off the other caps, as well as crank her norn title from L1 to L3.
Went though, killed stuff till we got boss bounty, and we happend to have xandra with us, so we got a bonus boss as well. 7 bosses in 5 minutes. shweeeeeet! (and we got to talk to ghosts as well. I wish I could talk to ghosts. That'd be shweeeet!)
But I spent the last hour of the weekend working my other rit on the last 100k she needed. 3 runs in Moddok, two caps along arjok ward on one side, (dirv and rit caps) and a cap on the other (warrior)
And then 3 runs through Docks mission, and
The last 400k on the one rit I can get during the wintersday quests. Maybe I'll even get lucky.
ehh... never know.
Edit: Oh, ran through at least 20 bosses in factions, NF, and eye, and not one of them dropped a green. Not... one.
Am I the only one who looks at that, and thinks...
"I don't wanna be burried...
in a Venta Cemetary...
I don't want to live my life again"|||I wanted to cap some skills on my necro, but she already had all skills capped in her area... And I didn't feel like doing Venta Cemetery... So, in the end, I only bought the signets and cleared my z-mission and z-bounty backlog

Personally I spent my weekend drinking coffee. Seriously, I think I consumed 30+ cups. Alas, I didn't get to play GW at all.|||I did a chain vanquish/map of the Crystal Desert coming out of Mouth of Torment with a team of eight h&h. Took about nine hours, including bio breaks. But, I finally got Kephket's Refuge to drop for me. (I have no real use for it, but I had begun to think this staff was just a myth, since I have killed Keppie numerous times over the last couple of years with never a sign of it.)|||Chest ran. Finished EotN on one character, NF on another (and got razah...don't know why I didn't think to permasin run that before). Also did BLA with some guildies and got my first 2/5 oppressor weapons, and my last 3 tormented weapons. Helped someone farm nick stuff with seige quest. And some other stuff. Productive weekend for me. Haven't been able to play this much on a weekend in awhile.
Didn't cap a single skill. lol|||Quote:

It was awesome. I played some Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
I uninstalled it after 30 minutes of crawling around.
Went up the first stairs, heard something, freaked out which led to moving my mouse and I ended up staring at the wall and then I had to go to the menu to calm myself down. Ended my game-time.
And then on my other try, I got to the next room, and then I just leaned against the wall and couldn't go on.
I ended the game and uninstalled it.
It just freaks me out so much.
The what in the what now?|||Didn't capped a single skill...wanted to do try my luck in Sorrow's Furnace for Drago's Bow.
But I ended up guiding my guildies and allies through The Deep getting them HoM Kanaxai statue. Still impressed we succeeded and we didn't used consets only some dp removal.|||Mainly, I was working on an essay which is due tomorrow and is not even half done. :D
I did do a bit of skill capping on my derv, who is about halfway through each skill hunter title at the moment. No greens though.|||Quote:

I uninstalled it after 30 minutes of crawling around.
Went up the first stairs, heard something, freaked out which led to moving my mouse and I ended up staring at the wall and then I had to go to the menu to calm myself down. Ended my game-time.
And then on my other try, I got to the next room, and then I just leaned against the wall and couldn't go on.
I ended the game and uninstalled it.
It just freaks me out so much.
It is supposed to do that.

I'm in about the 80th minute of crawling around and I want to know more about the backstory. Though hopefully there won't be any more cutscenes/flashbacks that make me re-enact his memories. The one that did that was just horrifying and caused me to breathe like Daniel and the need for another break.
He hes these seizures in the first map for no reasons so that you get to know them already and aren't that badly freaked out when it happens for real reasons later on, I think. Real reasons like staying too long in the dark and starting to hear footsteps behind you because of that, I mean.