Captain Langmar will still be outside Longeye's Ledge, no matter if you finished any WiK content or not.
ok thanks, though it wouldnt make sense since she should be uh *afk* due to a certain skill from the Unseen|||Quote:

ok thanks, though it wouldnt make sense since she should be uh *afk* due to a certain skill from the Unseen
Nah, she got better.|||I guess she won't be invited to Gwen's wedding. Good thing too, Langmar would probably get jealous and angry >.>|||This follows the same concept that certain points in the game represent certain times.
That as you're moving forward in locations in the game, you're also moving forward in the game's 'time'.
Although... shouldn't that not work so well due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?
"No fair! You changed the outcome by measuring it!"|||Quote:

ok thanks, though it wouldnt make sense since she should be uh *afk* due to a certain skill from the Unseen
The one outside Longeye's has been cleverly replaced by Vael in disguise. It is, in fact, so clever that he can also appear as himself while still standing there in disguise, effectively being in two places at once. He's just that good.|||Quote:

The one outside Longeye's has been cleverly replaced by Vael in disguise. It is, in fact, so clever that he can also appear as himself while still standing there in disguise, effectively being in two places at once. He's just that good.
I heard he's so good that when the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks under his bed for Vael.|||
