Could you imagine a future GW release to be in a different setting say an alternative universe somewhere in the future?|||I wouldn't care much for GW 3000, I think if they make a futuristic game, they might as well make it from scratch.
That being said, I prefer to play fantasy, but if ANet made a futuristic (or otherwise) I'd certainly keep a close eye. I was close to buying Hellgate:London if not for bad reviews and me playing GW at the time. SW:TOR and Tabula Rasa also caught my attention.|||A Sci-fi Guild Wars would be absolutely riddled with Asuran; and this I cannot allow.
Realistically speaking though... I can see "space" being incorporated into the Guild Wars mythology somehow. I think there is stuff already that alludes to things seemingly "outside" of Tyria (i.e. The Eternal Alchemy). Maybe there are other worlds the gods created (visitable through portals). I mean, if I were Grenth, and I was bored, why stop at one world?
As far as incorporating "space" as in laser guns and alien spacecraft... I do not see it.

I was close to buying Hellgate:London if not for bad reviews and me playing GW at the time.
I was totally rooting for Hellgate: London ... until I played the beta.|||I'd be up for exploring alien worlds via asuran portals in the near future.
I remember being on the homeworld of the aliens (from the Aliens movies) in the game Aliens vs Predator (1 or 2 or an expansion, I forget)... that was an awesome world to be in.|||Quote:

I'd be up for exploring alien worlds via asuran portals in the near future.
Me too. I mean, the Guild Wars universe would really blow open with what you could do lore-wise by adding new worlds. You could come to understand where gods, dragons, and all these "higher" beings come from (lots of new lore and storyline).|||Quote:

A Sci-fi Guild Wars would be absolutely riddled with Asuran; and this I cannot allow.
As far as incorporating "space" as in laser guns and alien spacecraft... I do not see it.
I agree with this, I personaly do not like shooters or rpgs with no melee weapons incorperated.
If gw went futuristic or any game at all, I would prefer a medieval style with some futuristic glamour to it without the space crafts etc. Replace steel weapons with energy melee weapons (magicly infused energy weapons has potential), futuristic design and a more developed culture. The early days of stargate SG-1 would set a good example with traveling between world through portals.|||Then just make a new franchise, really start from scratch.
On a moderately related note anyone heard anything of Jeff Strain's zombie mmo and/or funcom's The Secret World?|||Mursaat in ssspppppaaaaAAAAaaaaccceeee
hey, they already fly right?|||Quote:

I'd be up for exploring alien worlds via asuran portals in the near future.
Stargate S1 anyone?
And I don't know, "sci-fi" could work quite nicely if implentmented well. Hell the asuran already sort of do that.|||Quote:

A Sci-fi Guild Wars would be absolutely riddled with Asuran; and this I cannot allow.
In the Grim Darkness of the Future, there is only Charr!