|||It can happen if there was still someone alive in the party at the time the timer starts. If a Charr started the Meteor Shower, you got teleported away and it'll still hit.|||Exactly what Jack said.
Spells only need to start casting on a target in one place to actually be placed exactly where the target is when the cast is finished, completely regardless of where the target is by then.|||Looking at the pick again, Zho is hexed, so at least she was alive when you got teleported. So not a bug or a glitch, just the game mechanic and bad luck, since you get 5 seconds of invulnerability after rezzing, meaning they'd have started casting within the last 3 seconds before you rezzed.|||Wow... 60dp in normal mode. That's an achievement.
Looking over just your lineup, I can see a couple issues. One, you have two warriors.
I'm assuming you brought heyda to work some sort of synergy with the warriors.
That crap don't work against charr.
You need a better meatshield against them. You want minions that get into the thick of things, but not so bad they fall apart right away. Next time, take vamp or just basic horrors. Consider also using that necro spell that ups your death magic so you can make even beefier minions.
Don't go with warriors unless you're using them for some gimmick. 90% of the time they're just cannon fodder, and they don't know enough to go after softer targets that they could do real damage with.
I'd also reccomend going with another necro hero, or someone with necro secondary, and have them use death nova on the minions.
Now... you COULD go with just the usual dischord trio, but I at least give you props for mixing things up.
Problem is, you can't mix things up against charr to terribly well.
Couple other bits of advice. If you're talking two monks, use YOUR monk as a prot monk, which you can have some control over and have slighter better stats. Use the hench monk as the healer.
When going up against groups, use yourself as the lead, flag your group back just a touch so to the foes, YOU're the main target. Yes, you'll get hexed and targeted, but you have enough brains to move away from showers, and a single hexed target is much easier to remove hexes from then the entire group slammed with Suffering and other group hexes.|||I'd also suggest that anytime you're playing as an MM that you have the Blood skill, Dark Bond in your build (even with zero ranks in blood). Having 75% of the damage you take, go to a minion instead is a HUGE difference over taking that damage directly yourself. An MM with some minions and dark Bond is far far more durable.|||Normally I would say Noa is 100% wrong about not taking 2 warriors, especially since you have a para in the party, but if you were struggling as much as the -60 DP indicates, it may be time to switch it up.

Not to continue the totally off-topic discussion about how much you suck...

.....there are areas with limited flesh enemies AND the nearest outpost is like worlds away
oh and even i died 4 times i was stuck as the devourer catapult with my skillset not the devourer skillset :(|||I am impressed by your Ward Against Trolls ability.|||It is pretty impressive.
Seriously Noa? Using up a hero slot on a monk is about the biggest waste of a hero I've ever seen. Wait for that 'til you've got 6 others to use at the same time.