Tyrian Events
* Added a pink-dye vendor to Lion's Arch.
Per Emily Diehl on Guru, the vendor will show up 10/16 at 11am Pacific Time until the end of the month; dye will be untradeable too.
Anet's promoting a player event, Pink Day in LA international for Breast Cancer Awareness. Looks like some cool prizes. You have to make a donation (minimum $10) to participate in drawing. http://pinkday.grimforge.com/index.html
Edited to add: Gaah! If a Moderator could fix my spelling error in the thread title (vendor, not vender) I would appreciate it!|||Quote:
I can't get multi-quote to work, so here are a few answers to questions you guys have had:
* You can buy as many vials of pink dye as you want, but remember that they aren't tradeable. So if you stockpile them, do it because you want to dye alt armors or have extra in case you get new sets. Don't do it because you want to sell them later.
* You can put these vials in storage so the other characters on your account can use them.
* Dyes will be on this special vendor, who will be in Lion's Arch starting tomorrow at 11 AM PST. She'll offer an unlimited supply of vials for 100 gold a piece.
* She's in place to support the breast cancer awareness effort of the Pink Day in LA organizers. We really felt that this was a fantastic cause, and wanted to show our support as well.
* The shade of pink is a light color - kind of like an Easter pink. It may look slightly different on different sets of armor.
We clarified the arrival time of the vendor in the update notes, and the gate guard should be back now. Sorry for the confusion!
Just thought I would post this here for anyone who does not go to that other forum.|||Thanks for the report, Dragon.
I'll definitely be buying a few dozen of these for future use, especially if the pink is substantially different from what we can make with mixed dye. Though if Emily says it's a light pink, I'm not getting my hopes up. (A bright pink, on the other hand, would have been amazing.)
That prize list is sexy. Should be a big turnout, considering how many expensive HoM items they're giving away.
Watching people panic when the update removed the entrance to LA Keep was amusing.|||Emily posted this over at guru too:

Looks pretty bright, maybe she had the mouse over the character when she took the shot?|||Oh, not bad at all. If it comes out well on mesmer gear, I'll be in heaven (always wanted my Vanguard armor dyed pink, but had to settle for some weird red-purple).|||I'll probably buy a boatload of it to try out on different armors.
We haven't had a "true" pink dye since they converted the dye system.|||I used Purple + Dye Remover on my female warrior's Knights Armor and it came out a dazzlingly bright hot pink. Same mix looked very much like the picture above when put on the exact same armor on my monk.|||Nice to see actual pink! Most people keep posting "pink" dyes... that are really just light purple or some other non-pink color.|||It's not about the dyes people, (yes, I see the title) let's keep it in perspective. Breast cancer awareness month... and cancer in general. Let's get our donations in and THEN show our pink support, ok?

It's not about the dyes people, (yes, I see the title) let's keep it in perspective. Breast cancer awareness month... and cancer in general. Let's get our donations in and THEN show our pink support, ok?
Yes, we know, EVERYONE knows. It gets slammed down everyone's throat every year.
Don't get me wrong, I think research and early detection are VERY important. As they also are with prostate cancer and colon cancer and well, more things, diseases and cancers than I care to go into here.
btw - I already sent in a donation, did not leave my IGN and don't want a prize. That is not why I send in donations to anything.