dunno if one of these has been made before, but why not post pictures of your acount.
Dunno why but i like looking at other people characters, seeing what armor combos they made etc.
Post pictures of you're characters, fav weapons, anything really

Will post mine once i've made the picture
NMN|||um, shouldn't this go into fanart department?|||not rly its not fanart :/|||Doesn't this also kind of fit into each profession's "show off your X character" threads, where people post pics of their characters in armor with some weapon sets, etc.?
Not sure what that would look like... Maybe if you posted an example?|||yeh i was hoping there'd be an acount showroom like the profession ones, but yeh heres a example:

Mines not much to look at seeing as i don't tend to farm very much.
But you get the idea, just show off your characters, fav weapon/items etc|||If you want to see character showrooms, there is plenty of those at the Wiki user section.|||Why can't this site have one? It obviously has alot of members.|||I think it's a good idea. I've heard some members have ten or more characters so it'd be cool to see what classes and armor/weapons sets they chose for each of them.
Here's mine...now I only really play two characters, and I my third one isn't ready to show. She doesn't even have max armor yet...


ANYWAY! I'm rambling (gasp!)
My girls

Aaaand The bigger version
And no, I'm not finished with 'em yet ^_^