
Question about Secondary

The profession forums seem a little dead, so I'll ask it here... What's a good secondary for a Monk in Factions...? I'm honestly not sure what I want to do; Me sounds fun, but a W or Ri doesn't seem like that bad of a choice either... Anyone have any hints or tips or tricks as to what would be a good combo for a Monk in Factions?|||Doesn’t really matter, Factions doesn’t give you many ‘free’ skills and you can openly change your secondary relatively quickly into the storyline. The only thing you get out of it will be the initial ‘skill unlock’ or free skills for that class. If you care about unlocks, then don’t choose your secondary until you have done all secondary quests.|||i ones made a monk more then 5 years ago and made her MO/E, it's quite good if you want to focus on support and healing.|||Can't go wron with /Me or /E these days, especially if you plan on playing in PUGs and they demand a specific build...

Glyph of Lesser Energy and general Inspiration skills are the best in terms of E-management though. Most of the time, you won't be using too many skills from secondary professions as a Monk unless you want to play your own style.|||It all depends on if you in tend to do alliance battles if so go /A for shadow arts eg. return.|||Self-defense would be /W, /A, /R. Each has run skills and self-protection stances.

Some utility for energy or ... would be /Me or /E. Mesmer has arcane echo, which although expensive, can be quite fun to spam RoJ if you go smite. Also, stuff like leech signet is fun to try to hit with while waiting for damage to heal.

I personally like /Rt for other ways to heal/prot, although as a monk you'd be better off using your primary most of the time.|||Mo/R with Serphant's Quickness is pretty good.

