I didn't intentionally set up the team to perfectly maximize my damage (just normal skills on the heroes and Morgahn is neither runed nor optimized for command), which got me thinking what the largest number we could come up with (while still playing a perfectly reasonable team build even.)
For starters, I think you switch the sin to a derv so it can use Vow of Strength, and add in a second para with GFtEs to keep the crits coming. The attack that hits would be Club of a Thousand Bears. Two other players are in the group, 1 using GDW and 1 using Ursan Roar. My scythe in the SS has +19% when hexed so let's hex me (and perfect the weapon).
By runing my heroes, we take the bonus damage to 54x2. The PvE skills add another 35x2 damage for another 178 damage. CoatB adds 60x2 more damage (assuming there are 7 foes around you.) Thats 298 bonus damage.
Vow of Strength plus me being hexed plus maxing my asura rank adds another 86% to the scythe damage, which adds up to +118% damage.
JI and my scythe have 40% AP.
(145.7x2) + 118% scythe damage + (149x2) bonus damage = 933.252 damage. Did I do that right?! I highly suspect I did not.
Can you hit 4 digits?
Edit: I hit a mergoyle for 480 earlier in the mission, so I'm pretty sure my calculations are all wrong. That would have been 960 if it was undead.|||2522 is the highest damage I could find in less than 5 minutes.|||Pretty cool, but I guess I was talking about normal play in HM with a team build that is actually feasible and easy to play. You can do all sorts of weird things that aren't practical at all.

Edit: Although now that I think about that video, Hellhounds do use Frenzy, for both the undead and frenzy double damages. That could get a legitimate HM derv hit up to 2000 damage or so.|||Against frenzying undead you can certainly go and smack a four-digit number with your dervish. I've hit something like 600 a couple of times with the D/W critical scythe build and orders.
Note: Against frenzying undead. Altough the snakemen of the Desert have gotten a few 200s from me, using the same build.|||I thought the Kurzick skill had a hidden "you do holy damage" feature so orders wouldn't work?
I also remembered one more skill I forgot, EVBSoH for another 15x2 damage.|||BUH!

Well the derv would be limited to 3 PvE skills. I don't think the % damage could compete with +60x2 raw damage, but someone who can do the math will come along shortly we hope.|||Oh yeah, no orders. Won't work. The double damage to undead is caused by the very same skill.|||Cracked Armor would work, though. Or was that already included in the calculations?