Now that the War in Kryta is pretty much done, i was expecting us to have a few months of nothing before the next "Saga" starts, but after yesterdays update, we have some new dialogue in the Hall of Monuments which isn't imo War in kryta related, and seems to indicate new dialogues coming over the days / weeks so it could very well be leading up to, or be the beginning of the next sage of GW:Beyond, which is why i wanted to make a new thread, since it doesn't appear to be directly part of WiK.
This dialogue is located in the hall of monuments, i'm guessing you need to have finished the battle for lions arch to trigger it.
Major things revealed: (Hidden for those who haven't finished the battle for lions arch and typed up for those who cant access the game right now due to work or school etc)
- The Ebon Falcons have returned to the EOTN to inform Gwen of what happened
- Captain Langmar is dead (Died of spectral Agony before she and Keiran could swim to the northern shore, was apparently buried by Keiran on the northern shore of Giants Basin)
- Gwen is the new Captain of the Ebon Vanguard
- Keiran is apparently still alive, possibly taken captive in the area above Giants basin, his tracks suddenly stopped and the area apparently looked like a scuffle had taken place.
- Gwen has informed the Falcons to rest up for a day, and has sent Dian to Gunnar's Hold for Norn assistance in locating him.
So if this is the start of the next saga, where do you think the story will go now? Alot of people expected Ascalon to be the next part, but it doesn't look like we are going there quite yet if this is indeed the next phase of the story.
My theory:
Apparently Keiran was making his way north, the Falcons suspect he was trying to get home to the EOTN, and has apparently been taken captive by someone, suspected to be ettins, Centaurs or bandits, which looks like it may take part in the Shiverpeaks if we are supposed to find him at some point (Presuming he isn't located and rescued off screen and brought back to the EOTN)
Since the dwarves are no longer in the northern shiverpeaks, bandits or the like could have taken refuge in the old sites and towns, so similar to how WiK allowed us to go to Krytan missions as explorable areas, maybe we will be going to northern shiverpeak missions as explorable areas (Frost gate perhaps?)
This itself could lead towards Ascalon, since if we do find Keiran, he and Gwen could end up traveling back to Ascalon to recover and heal before heading back to the EOTN, and as they arrive, Salmas Shining blade or Seraph warriors could arrive at Ascalon looking for Evennia.
So what do you guys think about whats been revealed so far and where do you think the story will go now? Although i was kinda expecting spoiler point #2, its still kinda sad to hear / read

Here is a compilation image of the dialogue.
- Tsukasa|||WiK is over. Time for the next arc of GW:Beyond to begin. I'll admit, I expected more delay between arcs, but hey, if they want to get things rolling, who am I to argue? :D
As far as what I think will be next...
I think it will have something to do with Ascalon. Potentially leading to Gwen and Keiran building Ebonhawk. Can't wait to find out!|||Remember how long they teased us before WiK really started? Well, I expect a trickle of info for a while before we get significant content.
Exciting stuff though.|||For those of us who wants to read the dialogue but can't get to HoM to do so at the moment, it is located at the bottom as dialogue 10 on HoM page on wiki.|||Quote:

WiK is over. Time for the next arc of GW:Beyond to begin. I'll admit, I expected more delay between arcs, but hey, if they want to get things rolling, who am I to argue? :D
As far as what I think will be next...
I think it will have something to do with Ascalon. Potentially leading to Gwen and Keiran building Ebonhawk. Can't wait to find out!
Yeah, sorry i seem to have a habit of wording things wrong lately @_@
I know the WiK is officially over, but i was meaning since this is involving something that happened during the war, it might be seen as a sort of "Epilogue" to the War, so although the war itself is over, this could be like tying up the loose ends before the next main saga starts meaning its still part of the WiK saga, does that make more sense?

But if this is the pace Linsey and co are taking, then I'm more than happy with it, i don't care if we don't get new quests or explorables or items for months at this point, as long as they keep doing these dialogues to keep the story moving in "Real time" so to speak then i think its a great way of keeping the story flowing, rather than months of nothing and then "Oh yeah we are carrying on now", keeps players immersed longer i think.
But i had forgotten that Ebonhawk was said to be established right after WiK ends so i think your right this could lead into Gwen and Keiran founding Ebonhawk, so that actually makes alot of sence, and since they would be in Ascalon, they could sort out the whole missing Evennia thing too.
So after reading that, I'm guessing we are going through the shiverpeaks if we are to find Keiran as either a quest or Dialogue (Or hell even a mini mission like the Mursatt assassination quests), and then due to Keiran being injured, they decide to head for Ascalon to rest up before heading back to the EOTN, and while there, events unfold that lead to the creation of Ebonhawk.
Hopefully if Ebonhawk IS founded at the end of this Saga, we can go visit the site as its founded (New outpost =D), i don't care if it doesn't look any different to Long Eyes ledge at this point, just being able to go there would be enough for me, especially if it has a nice view of Ascalon from the edge

Thanks for reminding me of that Larqh, i had forgotten about that detail

@ Alaris
Didnt they tease us with the Viral campaign before the dialogues started in game? Cant remember which came first, the first dialogues or the Viral clues

Also i'm compiling the screencaps into one image for the people who want to see word for word whats said but cant due to work or school, should have that done in the next 10 mins or so, so i'll edit one of my posts with it once i'm done

- Tsukasa|||
Apparently, we got the posters on March 13, and first in-game update on April 2nd.|||I wouldn't expect anything for a good while, to let the WiK simmer down a bit. Of course, Gwen said they'd leave tomorrow, and they've tried to maintain some semblance of real-world time, it seems (see: Evennia's "fortnight" comment).|||Quote:
Apparently, we got the posters on March 13, and first in-game update on April 2nd.
Thanks Alaris, so, we got the posters earlier, and then Gwen and Keirans Dialogues started on the run up to her/GW birthday, so yeah we did get the posters earlier, thanks for refreshing my memory

So that begs the question, will there be a viral campaign for this? or could this be considered a "Mini story" so to speak, taking place between WiK and whatever is coming next? Meaning we will start getting hints / posters / whatever hinting at what is coming after this little story arc while this story is playing out.
I admit i really want to find Keiran, he has become my favourite Guild Wars character after everything that's gone on, i find the story of him and Gwen more interesting than Mhenlo and Cynn ever was. So here is to hoping we get to find and save him

@ Sky High
They might not leave tomorrow, she told them to rest up today and then after that they would begin organizing search parties to find him. So that organization could take place over the coming week, and we then get another dialogue next Thursday where they have the parties organized and ready to go, which would better fit Anets usual style of "A dialogue a week".
But i agree with you regarding not expecting anything for a while, i think we are months away from new quests / items / explorables like in the WiK, though we may possibly get ONE explorable area if Keiran is in one of the mission zones, otherwise a quest to find him in a current explorable but regarding major things, i agree it will most likely be a while before that comes, but i think regarding keeping the story going, this is the start of the next phase.
- Tsukasa|||*gasp* Wow, new stuff already, even if it's just dialogs? That's great!
OMG Langmar is dead? That sucks...and I wonder where Keiran went. He has to be alive due to Logan of course, but it'll be interesting to team up with Gwen and the Ebon Falcons to try to find him. Can you imagine Gwen running the Ebon Vanguard? "There's a Charr, kill it!" lol|||CMEPTb, "Alright kiddies, take Langmar's death to heart. This is what happens when "Spectral Agony" meets the non-infused. Stay alive, don't go un-infused."
[edit]: I see no delay as good news. They need to get this stuff rolling if they want it done before another special game comes out...