Pics are a little hazy because my camera battery is dead. HTC Desire to the rescue:
Awesome as always. Rytlock is hilarious.|||For a better view of the card itself, go to the main page.
I made a blog entry yesterday with that card. If you like a large version, visit
I recognize some new signatures compared to the old cards I have.
PS: The sig to the left of "Thanks..." is most likely Charr handwriting

Wait, what? When did this site get a frontpage again?
More than 8 months ago.

Kidding aside, that is awseome. So who do I have to smooch to get one

Is it just me, or do they look kinda... southparky?
Not just you. That was my instant impression. (Not that there's anything wrong with looking southparky, mind you.

Kidding aside, that is awseome. So who do I have to smooch to get one

Me, and I'll send you mine.
(...No I won't.)
In other news I checked the Test Krewe site and I've been permabanned for inactivity. Merry Christmas! lol.
Oh well, to be expected after I started working night shift. And play WoW.|||I don't think I responded early enough to get one this year.
Congrats to those who did!