So yeah, I think a Tombs statue should be added to the game if possible. Any thoughts?
-Raye|||There really has never been much elite about that particular area. Right from the get go people were doing it succesfully with just pug's with no coordination beyond the usual dicks on the compass.
I don't see how the area deserves a statue if you look at the challenge in it.
Were it however to be reviewed and rebalanced I'd definitely say a statue would be worthy since it's quite the unique place with a history to it.|||I'd have to agree. Tombs is nowhere as hard or long as elite areas.|||hard or not, elite is elite and so it reserves a statue.
i don't think most titles or elite things need anything, but they are still there.(even a brain dead cat can do the drunken and sweet tooth title, and most ppl have the UW statue by soloing)|||hmmm maybe it needs to be a bit buffed up then? It always seemed to me that Tombs was an elite area. I guess it's not though... oh well.|||You reached it before you were even supposed to be level 20. How is that for an elite area. It isn't exactly elite just because it's out of the way and not obligatory or holds unique rewards.|||yeah because elite means you need elitism rewards

yeah because elite means you need elitism rewards

Again, you manage to make no sense at all.|||If they added a reward for tombs, it wouldn't be an elitist reward at all
