A long time ago on a server far,
far away....

*whistles star wars theme*
It is a period of mass glines.
Rebel daemons, serving
from a hidden host, have won
their first ...hey wait a minute
It's episode V already, and as some of you might have noticed already, IncGamers (this includes GWO) IRC has been discontinued, leaving a bunch of people without a home.
In order to aid these refugees (this includes me) I have set up a new server, which shall be found at:
Server: irc.exilez.de
Ports: 6667, 7000 (6697 for SSL)
Channel: #guildwars
For those wo just want to hop in without fiddling with an IRC client can just use Mibbit: Mibbit
So long,
Happy Chatting|||Also, we have cookies.|||Quote:

Also, we have cookies.
And pudding!|||Still waiting on my pudding and cookies!
*rocks back and forth*
Must have cookies....must have pudding....|||I never knew how IRC things worked >,< and is it only writing or, can some please explain in detials ? sorry

I never knew how IRC things worked >,< and is it only writing or, can some please explain in detials ? sorry

IRC = Internet Relay Chat, a real-time text-only chat room.
Or as http://bash.org puts it, "multiplayer notepad".|||Zeez, it's Nexus. I try to connect and it says connection refused. Is that a problem my end with the network?|||Quote:

I never knew how IRC things worked >,< and is it only writing or, can some please explain in detials ? sorry

Basically speaking, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is multiplayer notepad.
Yes, it's only writing and some people might kill me for saying it's like a forum that only allows one-liners per post and loses all entries once you close your browser and don't save the conversation.... or so..
Dang Aiiane beat me to it

Zeez, it's Nexus. I try to connect and it says connection refused. Is that a problem my end with the network?
Your at uni aren't you nexus? Try changing which port your using.

Zeez, it's Nexus. I try to connect and it says connection refused. Is that a problem my end with the network?
Most likely, yes.
The server's IP is and the ports are stated in the OP, if all those fail with "connection refused" something is wrong on your end since the IRC server tends to tell you why it disconnected you.
But there's hope, you can use CGI:IRC, which uses the webserver's connection to connect to IRC, and your connection just uses a webpage (unlike Java). Google the following:
intitle:"cgi:irc Login"
and browse through the results until you find one that lets you enter server and channel details on your own (or even set up one yourself if you're l33t)
Got some that work
#1 #2
Another Edit:
I just found out that there's another port available:
Port: 6666