The unholy night is almost upon us. Caskets rattle restlessly in the graveyards. Bats swoop down from the old Krytan ruins to haunt the sky above Lion's Arch. All creatures, from Hellhound to Bonedragon sense that something special is on its way. During the last few days, the King and Queen have been making their preparations in secret. The Mad Queen's minions have been carrying bizarre devices of the Queen's own design towards the square of Lion's Arch. While storms ravage the Krytan coast and lightning lights up the sky, the Horrorween was prepared under the cover of darkness. Wrapped in a cloak, the Queen faced the harsh weather conditions, determined to complete her vile plans. Daniel Frozenwind used his powers, and secrets even beyond the Queen, to help enchant her ghastly creation. Soon, as the dreaded hour draws closer, they will reveal their dark secret to the people of Tyria. But first a grand celebration on All Hallow's Eve to celebrate the return of the Mad Monarch.
Official event video
Watch teaser
About the Event
The Horrorween was an original event first created on October 2005
By Mad Queen Malafide, although it was not officially known as the Horrorween back then.
The event aims to bring all those really familiar,
Halloween flavours and fun together.
Alongside your fellow player.
The "King and Queen" was the Alias gained,
When Daniel Frozenwind and Mad Queen Malafide joined up,
And brought the Guild Wars community,
A spate of high quality packed events,
That for the great percentage enjoyed by all.
Special thanks to everyone who donated, without all of you this event would not be possible! You know who you are.
The schedule
Times are listed in GMT,PM.
Sunday, October 31st.
Lion's Arch international 1.
6:30 - Pre-party / Last Elf Standing
7.00(19.00) - King Thorn appears. [-]
7.15 -
7.30 - Last is First
7.45 - Frozenwind says
8.00 - Riddles
8.15 - Pick O' Lantern
8.30 - Ghosts Ahoy
8.45 - Quizes
9.00 - Costume Contest / Lore at the Lighthouse
9.15 -
9.30 -
9.45 -
10.00(22.00) - King Thorn appears. [-]
10.15 -
10.30 - Boo!
10.45 - Pumpkin Bobbin'
11.00 - Mesmer-Pong
11.15 -
11.30 - Excorcism
11.45 -
12.00 - The Gateway
12.15 -
12.30 - Candy Synch
12.45 -
13.00(1.00) - King Thorn appears.
1.15 -
1.30 - The Pumpkin Train leaves Hallows Arch
Bring a star of Transference!
(You'll find out why)
How to get in contact & player feedback
It's always welcome, in fact it helps us to make your event more enjoyable, have any questions,ideas:
PM Daniel Frozenwind. In-game.
PM Mad Queen Malafide. In-game.
PM BladeWind on Guildwarsguru.com
Or on the wiki User:Frozenwind or Mad Queen Malafide
Event Hosts
-[Daniel Frozenwind]
-[Mad Queen Malafide]|||Looking forward to it as always - I know Queenie would miss my Mesmer if he wasn't there!!
Should be a big one this year too with all the old players back.
-Art|||One heads up for us Europeans:
Remember, summer time will end the 31st. So, Great Britain will be back to GMT time and the mainland to GMT+1 (with some exceptions, such as Portugal, Finland and some Eastern European countries).
And Rob, your times are not really handy... One colum goes from 24-hour to 12 hour and the other from 24 to 24?|||Quote:

One heads up for us Europeans:
Remember, summer time will end the 31st. So, Great Britain will be back to GMT time and the mainland to GMT+1 (with some exceptions, such as Portugal, Finland and some Eastern European countries).
And Rob, your times are not really handy... One colum goes from 24-hour to 12 hour and the other from 24 to 24?
Time zones are so confusing. Lets just say that the event starts when Thorn makes his first attendance, and then lasts till deep into the night.|||Quote:

Time zones are so confusing. Lets just say that the event starts when Thorn makes his first attendance, and then lasts till deep into the night.
I bet the Queen finds them confusing as well!|||Quote:

I bet the Queen finds them confusing as well!
Hahaha. The only thing that confuses her is what wig to wear to the event. And I did not say that out loud.|||Ugh I hate GMT times. I can't figure them out for the life of me, even using converter web sites. But regardless, I'll be around all day so I plan to be there, unless of course I get the dreaded "full district" message, which wouldn't surprise me. Still looking forward to the big secret!|||

Now that was pretty spectacular. A group of Reapers concentrating on the Shrine, while players ran around in circles powering the gateway. And Miya and Malafide were gone in a flash. Great picture Dan!|||Ooo, what was the big secret they were working on? Darn real life stuff came up and I wasn't able to attend.
