Guild Lord: "Good. That's one less loose end. *Stab*"
Kah Xan: "Nooo!"
If you don't understand this LOL, then look up Kah Xan on GW Wiki. If you still don't get it after that, -1 internet for you :c|||Guess it's -1 internet for me, then, whatever that means. Imagine my distress.|||Quote:

Guess it's -1 internet for me, then, whatever that means. Imagine my distress.
Count me in.|||Duh, isn't it obvious? I mean... It's because he's... an assassin right? He stabbed the guy on accident? Or, wait no. It's because... uh... er...
Dang it, here's my internet.|||I'm guessing -1 Internet for me. Ah well, got a couple million anyway.
BTW, Kah Xan and his sister Fuu Rin, isn't that a reference to Fūrinkazan? Seems a bit too coincidental not to be.|||idgi...
10chars|||Ok, did anyone actually understand this? Because I sure did not. I guess it's -1 internet for me as well...|||I have a theory on this. Look at Kah Xan's dialogue (or rather, monologue). Pay special attention to the bolded parts:
Our master taught Fuu Rin and me the following rules when we first became his students: Be still in the dark, lest your prey discover you. No mercy for the weak, for they will drag you down with them. Be swift or be dead; a slow assassin is worth less than a dead one.
Be swift or be dead, right? Ok, now look at Fuu Rin's dialogue:
My master told me that the life of an assassin is a lonely one, but I'm still surprised that my brother Kah Xan and I are the only assassins to have answered the Zaishen's call. Apparently many of my master's other students have recently taken to raiding the treasures of Grenth's realm. I decided that volunteering my services to the Zaishen would be a better choice. Riches from the lord of the Underworld will not come without a price, and it will be a high one.
Obviously she's talking about assassins running speedclear farms. Speed-clear. But not these two. So in other words, these two are not fast. Or, as you would have it, not swift. And therefore, according to Kah Xan, should be dead! That's why the guild lord stabbed him!

The guildlord gets ganked in the end.