So how do you snag a code? Simply post a comment in this blog post and we�ll randomly pick the eight winners.
Note, you should all check the front page of the site as it is the place to go for news etc.|||I know this was random, but I'd still like to thank rush for picking me and notifying me.
(was especially interesting that he WAS able to notify me despite having a full mailbox)
I actually got major lucky, and got the full costume pack.
I'm way seriously happy with how my ranger looks with a female tux and formal headwear. That's probably what I'll wear to the wedding itself.
I still need to get her through Bla though.
Not terribly looking forward to it, but... we gotta do what we gotta do.
Again, real happy I got this, and I again, wish there was a way we could buy these things offline without having to link up accounts.|||Grats Noa.
Great contest too, thanks Rush.
Guess we'd know by know if we'd won then?
Bad luck for me then, guess I'll have to buy the set for my 2nd account after all.
Noa, I was able to solo BLA with my rit as an SoS, 2 SF eles with 8 in command and Never Surrender/Anthem of Disruption, and Gwen as a Panic Dom Mesmer and the healer/ele hench in NM. The only cons I brought were for DP removal (which I did use).
The new update spreads out the final groups into smaller groups, much more doable than before. Good luck.|||Well done Noa!!
I'm glad you like the tux look too.
-Art|||Something interesting, someone else in our alliance also won one of these, though they just won the wedding pack one. (thought that would be odd they'd offer only wedding pack, and not one of the guest packs, but... oh well)
They didn't win it through here, but on massively.
I thought about it, and checked how many people tossed entries into the thread.
There's 72 of them. (didn't check to see if any were dupes or just responders)
At 8 total packs, I had a 1:9 chance of winning. not bad odds, though with me, I've been fighting long odds for a long time now.
The other person apparently had worse odds, at 1:172. I'll have to ask them though if that's how many total entries there were, or if they really had x8 posts there. If I had to guess, I'd say the 172 was total posts, thus she had a 1:21.5 odds. Not as good, but still...
I suppose that's better then the 1:10000 odds I keep fighting each christmas.
Still... something I found about luck, it comes in batches.|||Quote:

I suppose that's better then the 1:10000 odds I keep fighting each christmas.
Still... something I found about luck, it comes in batches.
Yes, it does. Unfortunately, there is no minipet polar bear, so...

Gorani|||I'll be the best man!
(picture will follow tonight...)|||Oh, I got just the right look for the distinguished uncle and aunt who the happy couple is hoping to inherit big moneys from one day.

Ah, and I won a code too, for which I am quite happy (hopefully it had nothing to do with my previous moaning about "costume buying fatigue"
