Bye bye.
So we look forward, and see the final event of the season, which is...
Canthan New Year!
This year, it's the year of the rabbit!
And not just ANY rabbit, ohhh no! This year, is the year of the
[cue deep thunderous arena announcer voice]
<<<<<<METAL RABBIT>>>>>>
The blackest, darkest, most scariest rabbit there is.

It is the rabbit of the apocalypse!
The rabbit of doom! Despair!
The rabbit that eats your survivor for breakfast and then chews up your mini collection for lunch.
This is the year... that the rabbit spanks the monkey.

Anyway, stuff to prep on.
Get your charas over to cantha, and to shing Jea Monastery.
Once at shing jea, get any new charas that you start there, and ones that arrive as far along as the minister cho's estate mission, and have that done so you can open up ran musu gardens.
Also get them over to the village across the way.
You might also wish to get charas over to Elona, and move them out to sunspear great hall, and possibly Jokanur diggings.
Stock up on dust and planks.
When the wiki gets up again, I'll post things you should have been collecting all year around. 5 items are only available from the fire islands,
Uncutinous remains, smoking remains, fiery crest, ignious spider legs, and webs.
Other hard ones to keep an eye out for are Celestial essence, Guardian Moss, Truffles, archaic kappa shells, kraken eyes.
There's some others that are easier to get, but I don't have the list in front of me.
You have less then a month from now till CNY, so get kraken!|||Death to the lesser creatures! power to the metal bunnies!

also about time its canthan new year, want to finish exploring cantha on my mesmer<.<|||hahahaha Nice. It would be funny if they somehow threw the metal rabbit into the fray, but I'd prefer the celestial one. My Chinese zodiac is the rabbit so this year I'm getting that mini no matter what! But the last couple of years I've actually been able to get the mini via fortunes *knock on wood* so hopefully I won't have to pay anything to do so. Yay!|||Best results for getting mini from fortunes is not just willy nilly opening them up all at once, but doing so when doing a VQ, and you want that extra +1, which works great for Necros, eles, RIts, and mesmers working HM. (especially for MM and Spirit spammers, as even just +1 adds a level to various summons, which helps them with absorbing and dishing out damage)
I've actually gotten 2 or 3 out of an entire stack's worth this way.|||I'll try to estimate what I got in the past, then make a bold prediction.
Year of the Rat I got like 2 out of 600 fortunes.
Year of the Ox, 12 out of 1100 fortunes.
Year of the Tiger 7 out of 1200 fortunes.
Year of the Rabbit 1,000,000,000,000.... out of 2 fortunes. They'll breed like well... rabbits.|||Hmm, so we're looking at a 1:100-1:200 rate. That's not to bad.
Maybe if it was ordinary rabbits, but these is METAL RABBITS!
AKA: Hossenfeffer served with a side of VENGANCE!|||See, this is exactly what we need in GW: more bunnies.|||
Meshuggah! \o/|||Quote:

Meshuggah! \o/
That's what I was thinking when I saw the thread title.|||Eversince I maxed my Lucky, I moved onto the Rings of Fortune and that means that CNY doesn't require me to prepare anymore.
9 Rings demanded I had some 200k + in storage, but the Rings require less than 100k to AFK through the whole event.
So thanks for the reminder, but I am good.
I'll probably need some 50k to buy the mini also.

also about time its canthan new year, want to finish exploring cantha on my mesmer<.<