Let's review Gwen:
1) She lost her mother at age 10.
2) We're not sure she ever had a father.
3) She was enslaved by monsters far before her brain had fully developed, leaving her almost zero time to learn how to function as human, in a human society.
4) It's likely she was sexually abused at a young age by her non-human, voracious captors.
5) Was forced to perform violence for the entertainment of others and her own survival.
6) She displays ALL of the common signs of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, most notably avoidance.
Add on as you see fit.|||None of the arguments you used negate her ability to bear children, cook dinner and clean the house.
And even if that were the case, she's planning on marrying a man so I don't see the slightest issue.|||Quote:

2) We're not sure she ever had a father.
"Are you a hero, too, like Aidan and Devona? My daddy was a great warrior, but he died when I was seven. Mommy says maybe we'll see him again after we die. Do you think that's true?"|||Maybe you're thinking about this just a little too much?

Shouldn't all our characters be displaying some symptoms of PTST by now? I mean, if you think about it... Torment, Destroyers, Shiro, Titans - that's gotta have left a mark somewhere.|||Quote:

Shouldn't all our characters be displaying some symptoms of PTST by now? I mean, if you think about it... Torment, Destroyers, Shiro, Titans - that's gotta have left a mark somewhere.
Kormir, stealing your godhood...|||Never trust a woman who won't tell you her surname.|||Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I was absolutely furious about that. Surprising our characters didn't just finally lose it and go on a mass killing spree.
Hmm. No wonder I got into pvp...

A "I can fix her by getting into her pants" issue special.
We've all been there, right? Right?