The Order Of Dii [Dii] wishes to invite all friends,
old and new, for a celebration of our 6th birthday
on Saturday November 6th!
There will be drinks,
there will be snacks,
there will be fireworks.
There will be games,
there will be races
there will be quizzes,
and yes there will be prizes!
Where?: The Zaishen Menagerie outpost International on the Battle Isles.
When?: 9 PM - 12 AM UTC (an online time converter can be found here). (Also, pro tip: the official Wiki uses UTC)
So if you are not all partied out from Halloween by then, drop by and join the fun!

09.00 PM - Welcome fireworks
09.05 PM - Welcome speach

09.10 PM - This hopefully being our last birthday party before GW2 is released, we will start off with a light GW1 quiz.
09.30 PM - Minipet race! Let's see who has the fleetest mini of them all. If the number of contestants gets too many we may divide this into two heats. In that case there will also be a smaller prize for heat winners.
10.00 PM - Fireworks
10.05 PM - Scavenger hunt! The first person to show each announced item to the referee will receive a prize.
10.30 PM - Dash Races! Each contestant gets a token from the organizers. The contestants then have to run from the boat up behind Gate Guard Hirvela and back again. The first person to open trade with the referee will get a prize in exchange for the token. The rest get to keep their tokens. 5 contestants per race.
10.50 PM - Draw for the lottery (roll 300 in Dii GH)
11.00 PM - Fireworks
11.15 PM - Bunnyhunt! The bunny is on a sugar high and is feeling generous. The 10 first people to catch it will get a birthday present of their own (max one present per person).
11.30 PM - Group Photo op on the stairs
11.45 PM - Spell out Dii with peeps.

12.00 AM - Finale Fireworks.
All the time:
- Open Bar
- Candy Store
- Party Time
- Outfit contest. One prize for best male and one for best female outfit. Winner will be announced in this tread after the festivities.
- HoM trade spot. Bring your undedicated minis and stuffs, and swap!
- Simon says! This one should be a cakewalk for everyone with Halloween in fresh memory. But since we in Dii are nice, we will not kill anyone, there will only be prizes. The first person to do an e-mote after a dedicated person "Says" will recieve a prize (check party search for in-game name of "Simon"). This can happen at any time during the celebrations, so stay alert!
All contests are kept in "trade" channel to keep "local" channel free for general chit-chat. Sometimes "emote" channel is used too. So make sure to activate all channels!
Sugar rush is allowed for all races (chocolate bunnies available for those who did not bring their own

But wait, there is more!

If you are not able to join the in-game fun, you still have a chance of prices. We are running two forum contests too:
1) GW/Dii-themed limerick
1st price = An unused Ceratodon mini code.
2nd - 5th price = An unopened birthday present.
2) Lottery.
Post a number between 1-300. One number per person. If your number is taken, and you did not change it before the deadline, the closest available number will be assigned to you. The Draw of the lottery will be conducted live during the celebration (roll until exact taken number comes up).
1st price = An armbrace
2nd price = An oppressor weapon of choice
3rd price = Materials to craft one Destroyer weapon
Post your entries in this thread (don't forget IGN's!), deadline is the start of the events, i.e. November 6th 9PM UTC.
(our actual birthday is November 1st, but since that is on a Monday, and the weekend before is Halloween, we celebrate the Saturday after in stead.)
[EDIT]Lottery number list, updated as I get around to it ;)
1 - Kael Valeran :1
3 - Wanchu Vedy :2
7 - Soulstorm (IGN?) :3
9 - Lord Revnoc :4
11 - Thea Cybele :5
13 - Art Y Mori :6
14 - Necrotic Doomsday :7
16 - Joost Flamecaller :8
24 - jacousic (IGN?) :9
31 - Huntress Cha Cha:10
32 - Kuribayashi Sayo:11
33 - Chained Evil:12
42 - Lord Dragon:13
54 - Dena Deathbringer:14
69 - Scy Kil:15
70 - Cardinal Cyn:16
76 - Raye Lestrange:17
77 - Holy Hottie:18
88 - Sarina Silverfrost:19
94 - Morind Master:20
99 - Sorudo Wong :21
100 - Bella Sera:22
108 - Sephirim:23
115 - Scrooge Mc Duck:24
125 - Coryn Winterstorm:25
131 - Parlo Grayire :26
137 - Xing Loong:27
138 - Agni Phoenix:28
147 - Sparky Sharkinu:29
150 - Juniped Extrame:30
155 - Sawakao Tsuoyi:31
162 - Partial Insanity:32
186 - Aoi Enishi:33
203 - St Sever:34
220 - Karuro Silvershot:35
237 - Natalya Dawn:36
253 - Guildoholic (IGN?):37
272 - Noa Brightington:38
282 - Sauvignon Zinfandel:39
300 - Kaigen Tormen:40|||Sounds fun, can I come too?

EDIT: My IGN: Wanchu Vedy|||Sounds like a fun time. I would like to choose the number 42. IGN Lord Dragon|||number 1. Kael valeran. My birthday is on november 8 which is also nearby. Looks like its a nice party to crash...|||I'll take 76. Raye Lestrange =]|||77 for lottery please. IGN: Holy Hottie.|||137 please~ >_>|||Noa brightington 272.
Will kahlin be able to be there in some form or another?|||54 please, unless I am not a friend.