I'm missing the antlers from the first year. Back then we couldn't buy character slots and I needed a PvP slot. The only character that had those antlers was deleted. I kept the helm for a long time but even once the hat maker was added, he wouldn't accept that one (customized for a different character).
I'm also missing Dragon festival masks from 2007 and 2008... was traveling during the summer those years.|||12 - All of them since I started playing. With 2 exception: Lupine mask because bought Nightfall after a few months and Grasping Mask - bought Factions one month after the event.|||if there are 30 hats, I have 29. I missed the first antlers, as I had no idea there were two to get. I only could visit one fight between Dwayna and Grenth and logged off as soon as I had my hat from Dwayna. If I had known there were more, I'd have tried to get the second one as well...|||26. I missed Wintersday 2006 (or rather, forgot to log in). Kinda sucks, considering it's the only year with four hats and they're the best Wintersday hats so far IMO.|||I have all the hats, including the Tengu Mask.|||I think maybe 11-12 or so? I know I skipped some hats just because I didn't like the look of them (grench ears hat, reindeer hat, no ty). I missed out on the grasping mask, even though I was around for it. :(|||I think I only have two. I've had probably a dozen or so, but I didn't think we'd be ever be able to wear them so I deleted them. I also have a few leftover candy equipment items doing nothing.|||I'm missing a bunch due to starting when NF was released, and I started with Factions too so I missed that first Halloween as well. Anything prior to that I'm missing, anything after I have.|||All the masks here including the Day of the Tengu mask

Made it a personal goal of mine to always get the event hat, and so far i've managed to stick to it

- Tsukasa