Whoever you are, I wish to say a big thank you from all those people AFK'ing while you ran your butts off making sure the meals succeeded. It wouldn't have been successful without you!

A special thanks to MYTH and SAVY for hosting the districts I was present in.

If there are more people who want to say thanks in here because they couldn't ingame, please be my guest. Make sure to mention the guild/alliance that sponsored the district you AFK'd/were present in!
GW still has one hell of a community!

Happy Chinese New Year to all of you!|||The event is still running, the Rush alliance will be hosting districts 45,74,75,76 for the remainder of the event as we have been doing since it started!
Happy CNY everyone :)|||So is the GWO Alliance, Chinese district 7 and one roaming one. But I would like to add my thanks to those other alliances and guilds that are handing out the ingredients for all those perfect meals that are made!|||I am sponsoring a district again. Third year doing it all by myself, well the farming part. I have a friend who is going to get the last event for me at 3 AM my time.
I had a great deal of fun sponsoring a district for the last few years. Had lots of fun farming for the items needed also BUT this is my last year doing it alone. Getting some of the more difficult items wasn't that fun this year. By next year I believe it will start feeling like a chore to me and that's when I stop.|||I've been in AD5 all day. Thank you to my sponsors.|||Wonderful of you all to sponsor the districts...Great personalities and some fun local chat throughout the night!
Thank you Again!

Just kidding, here goes: *applause*|||Big thanks to the guilds/alliances that hosted ID7, where I was twice! /cheer

Thanks to everyone for all their effort and keeping the district going for the entire run