Now heres my point. My group like all were desperate for monks. The funny thing was they were all secondary monks themselves. When we advertised for 2 monks, I figured I'd throw em free entry fee if they joined. Apparently by this pointin the game (a bit too early if u ask me) MONKs are charging to join groups because of the inexcusable treatment to most.
I have been lucky enough to find items that boost my RMo magic to heal my trusted teammates, who I know won't charge into 18 trolls without being protected. I guess my question is what are these secong class monks doing with their monks skills? Why do you need a healer when you can self maintain?
And before anyone says thats not bulletproof, i'm telling you it is at post 20 if you have the magic energy to cast it. (or darn close :P)
Personally I think its hilarious monks want a commision to group. Everytime I've ever teamed with a primary monk people treat him/her like crap. They yell for heals, they yell for res, they never thank you. I thank my whole team most battles.
So I leave you with this? Can you solo The Fissure of Woe? I didnt think so.
Do you wanna comission a player just to help? I sure don't.
It takes a bit of time to find the right gamers. Mature people with strategic gaming skills, are few and far between, a lot seem to post on here. But be nice to people. The henchie-healers are what u want if u want a healer to yell at. You can't ofend a NPC. :surprise:
P Blondi "Heal me! Res Me! Oh that'll be 1k please, no I do not take checks!"|||People took the WTB Monk joke way too seriously.
Above that, people also need to start spamming "WTB brain". If the most sought after class starts to refuse playing due to the fact that people are being mean to them, there's something going seriously wrong.|||remember ..... monk can standalone|||Quote:
remember ..... monk can standalone
Not in just any situation.|||

Yeah, so this is what my group consisted of halfway through Ruins of Surmia. Just the two of us rocked all the way to the end of the mission. :p Don't know why the other two just up and left, but we stuck with it and made it out ok. :)
(I was playing my new Mo. I cannot believe how hard it is to play a monk. Not only do you have to watch the enemy, but you have to watch your teammates, too! Playing other professions, I never had to do that.)
Monks rock.|||Quote:
Monks rock.
yup, I'm a W/Mo, but for a change I am trying to bring a Monk I made up to Denravi, that way I can help my guild mates wether they need muscle or healing when trying to get forward.
so yeah, suddenly changing from checking your skin and probably the monk's or the closest caster to check the whole team status is quite the change|||Well sadly a big portion of the population of GW are just plain dumb. And with the risk of sounding bitter, I would like to attribute the majority of the idiocy to the no-fee on GW.
The problem is that we have tons of 12-16 yearolds who are just not that mature. When I see guys that age in RL i think "Oh god... was I ever like that" when they hang around trying to look cool. The jargon is just hillarious.
But when they bring it in-game it is very frustrating. Just the other day I was taking my 2nd character through Thunderhead Keep and this guy starts shouting orders and all kinds of stuff in pure caps. Fortunately the rest of us just ignored him, and when he *****ed ppl just told him to shut up. Half-way trough the mission he actually cooled down and we finished the mission just fine.
Why the hell do some 12 yearold by definition think he is smarter than people twice his age? I am 26 and I wish they would make some 25+ districts cuz this is getting on my nerves.|||Quote:
I guess my question is what are these secong class monks doing with their monks skills? Why do you need a healer when you can self maintain?
I'm an e/mo. I'm also a very high dmg output class, with a large energy pool. (75)
I take 7 fire skills and rebirth. Rebirth is about the most useful thing you can use in a battle. I tend to drain all my energy on powerful dot/aoe spells (because rebirth consumes all your remaining energy), then I start resing the fallen. To a safe distance from the fighting. That's how I use my /mo anyway, though I'm sure most people don't do that. :p|||All fear teh 1337 monks ,
big time pwnge :D|||Quote:
I'm an e/mo. I'm also a very high dmg output class, with a large energy pool. (75)
I take 7 fire skills and rebirth. Rebirth is about the most useful thing you can use in a battle. I tend to drain all my energy on powerful dot/aoe spells (because rebirth consumes all your remaining energy), then I start resing the fallen. To a safe distance from the fighting. That's how I use my /mo anyway, though I'm sure most people don't do that. :p
The bad thing about rebirth is the people ressed cannot use their skills for a set amount of time and have low energy and health.