i also like to see a non-combat way of walking the path, so when there are no hostile ppl around your weapon is sheeted.(for the staff, you wear it on your back)|||Quote:

......It would just make them look more like archers XD. ideas? comments?
So would a bow string but when you think about it they have unlimited arrows anyway and then people would say it isn't real the quiver is always full :-)
Seriously though anything that makes the game more realistic I'm all for. The graphics in GW are a key feature for me so a quiver would be nice.|||Quote:

So would a bow string but when you think about it they have unlimited arrows anyway and then people would say it isn't real the quiver is always full :-)
Seriously though anything that makes the game more realistic I'm all for. The graphics in GW are a key feature for me so a quiver would be nice.
Any class (not just paragons), when equipped with a spear, should have a satchel on their back full of spears, and any class (not just rangers), when equipped with a bow, should definetly have a back or waist quiver. who cares if they are empty or full? as long as it is there, it looks better IMO.
and bowstrings would be a waste imo, unless you are really zoomed in you would never really notice (it is a waste of animators time imo, as it adds very little when compared to quivers and things).|||They pull it out of hammerspace ;)|||I also had an idea...make the quiver appear on ANY class..that has the bow equipped in explorable areas. take off the bow no quiver put it on you have a quiver.|||Although it would be nice, I don't think a Dev's time should be spend on this.
(Does a character throwing spears need a stack too? A Sword need a sheath?)
It would also cause major problems to where to attach the quiver (since every character wielding a bow should be equipped with one)
PS: Dev's time is more needed on: Giving us a "thing" to max Sunspear title without loopholes. Add the missing Core skill (WoH) to a NF boss. Buffing "Otyugh's Cry" after about 20 months of GW gameplay

I could do better then this but it's just a quick example XD