
For AN: Best AI Skillbars

[:1]For ANet's viewing pleasure, what is the best combo they thrown at us. Best being defined by: being fun to play against, challenging, versatile. Let's say that rules out "gimmicks" like level 28 djinn's unloading the SF train on your face, (which is just as devastatingly countered by 6 level 20 mesmers) or Fleshreavers smiting the sin out of you.|||I think the new Galrath minions are hardly a challenge. It's just the fact they put 6 billion of them close together. Their skill bars are just... meh. Enemy monks will run from all over to spike heal a target- which can easily be overcome but it's just annoying. So yeah, the mobs are annoying to deal with, but not difficult at all (even on hard mode). I don't like that sort of challenge, where the challenge is just based on number.

I think the WiK missions were much better in that regard. Although there was the possibility of being swarmed, the mobs were a reasonable challenge on their own. I guess that could be because of the AI skill bars?|||the most fun are the peace keepers, the most difficult are the WiK mantles.|||I've always liked the charr, seeing old HA gimmicks in PvE as enemies is awesome :) (even though I've hardly ever played HA)|||Who voted "other" and then didn't explain? |||In hard mode, I really feel like the charr in eotn are some of the more difficult mobs. They've got well thought out bars, quite a few have rezzes, and they actually try and use positioning.|||The undead in joko's domain if it wasn't for retarded wurms.|||I voted charr in EoTN. Normal charr groups are easy, but a charr pride with flameshielders and and ele boss is quite a different story and I have always approached them with trepidation. Yesterday, I took my air ele to do the Zaishen mission Blood Washes Blood. Half way through I realised I had the wrong ele hero with me. Instead of Zhed ( water built with Ward From Harm as elite ), I had Vekk ( fire build ). I proceeded on because I thought with Gwen as Panic mesmer I could deal with the charrs. At the encounter with the ele boss with 3 flameshielders, my ele cast one spell, moved to a second location, only to find 4 of the heroes already down including both monks. Naturally, I had to restart with Vekk kicked and replaced by Zhed.|||One thing that separates every team I listed in the poll from regular monsters is that they almost always have monks. What makes an enemy fun to play against? At what level do great skill bars become annoying? How many deaths in your party per encounter should you expect?

Edit: After thinking about my own post, for a bit. Do difficult enemy AI skill bars exist to feed our egos? Does the fact that margonites are dangerous, yet we blast through them in farming groups easily just make us feel triumphant? The enemies in DoA present little more challenge for a con-ned up PUG with 24 PvE skills than gargolyes in Old Ascalon. On the other hand, how many zeishan bounty groups fail miserably against the Stone Summit, preserving the sense of triumph when we finally succeed against difficult enemies.|||The char I suppose. Their skill bars seemed more clever than the mass WiK/galrath stuff. Maybe the HM dwarf groups in Slavers and Vloxen, darn things seemed uncanny at interrupting just the right things.

