
Banned wrongly?

[:1]So I started playing GW again to fill up my Hall of Monuments, and me and some friends are planning on forming a guild in GW2, so I sometimes shout out a recruitment message that contains my guild site. www.invadersguild.com is the site if you're at all interested.

Today I log on and see that I've been banned for over 300 hours (14 days I presume) for 'advertising a website that compromises account security' - although it's just a harmless guild site. Its software is secure and there's no way of finding user passwords, they're encrypted in the database. As an administrator, I can only change a user's password on the forums, I will never be able to see them. It's fine, it's secure. There's no way the site can compromise an account's security unless they stick their account name, password, character names, CD keys, email and password to that too all in their signature.

I've emailed them about the issue, and it's been escalated to the senior GMs. But I haven't got a response from them yet.

Do you think this deserves a ban? Is there some rule in-game I'm not aware of that discourages the act of putting our guild site into a recruitment message? Is it seriously needed to give me a 2 week ban for it?|||Rules of Conduct


5. When communicating in Guild Wars using Global Chat (including, without limitation, server wide chat and use of the whisper command), you may not spam, flood, or make duplicate posts. For more information, please see the User Agreement section 4 (j).

8. You may not market, promote, advertise, or solicit within the Guild Wars game or on the official Guild Wars websites.

User Agreement


(j) In the Game(s), characters have the privilege of sending server wide messages called "Chat Messages." With this privilege comes a high level of responsibility on the part of the user. Due to the fact that this communication channel has the ability to impact every player on the server, NC Interactive will not tolerate any inappropriate behavior of any sort in this chat channel. This includes but is not limited to: inappropriate language of any sort or any attempt to escape the profanity filter, inappropriate or vulgar content of any sort, repeated "spamming," or "flooding" of the chat messages channel, or any other conduct determined to be inappropriate by NC Interactive Support, in its sole discretion. Any violation of this term or rules of conduct may, in the sole discretion of NC Interactive, lead to the temporary removal of the character's ability to communicate, the account being suspended for a set period of time, or lead to permanent account closure.

If you're one of those guild spamers in all chat, that's technically against the rules. The underlined portion says anything NCSoft decides is inappropriate is just that. Support will handle your ticket. No one's opinion here will influence their decision.|||Alright, Christ, I wasn't asking you to kill the developers or anything...|||Well, that was an abnormally defensive reply..|||Quote:

If you're one of those guild spamers in all chat, that's technically against the rules. The underlined portion says anything NCSoft decides is inappropriate is just that. Support will handle your ticket. No one's opinion here will influence their decision.

It may technically be against the rules to recruit for your guild but umm... promoting it in general chat is really the only way to get people in your guild, other than finding friends to play with you, so everyone does it. Never heard of anyone getting banned for it before either. I think we can all trust that the reasoning behind the ban is what actually caused the ban. It's news to me that advertising a website is something that they actually WILL ban for, but this seems to be the case.

Iratus, I think when you get the ability to log back into gw (whether that's when ncsoft/anet let you back on or when the time expires) I would recommend not to show the link in general chat, but to have people pm you, at which point you can mention the website. Personally, I wouldn't ban you for that but like it's been said, not my call. Hope the recruitment goes well for you!|||Quote:

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It may technically be against the rules to recruit for your guild but umm... promoting it in general chat is really the only way to get people in your guild, other than finding friends to play with you, so everyone does it. Never heard of anyone getting banned for it before either. I think we can all trust that the reasoning behind the ban is what actually caused the ban. It's news to me that advertising a website is something that they actually WILL ban for, but this seems to be the case.

Iratus, I think when you get the ability to log back into gw (whether that's when ncsoft/anet let you back on or when the time expires) I would recommend not to show the link in general chat, but to have people pm you, at which point you can mention the website. Personally, I wouldn't ban you for that but like it's been said, not my call. Hope the recruitment goes well for you!

You CAN spam your Guild recruitment message in All Chat. You CAN'T spam websites in it, especially suspicious sounding ones like 'invadersguild'. Some people may have reported it as suspicious and he's probably banned for that reason.|||Quote:

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You CAN spam your Guild recruitment message in All Chat. You CAN'T spam websites in it, especially suspicious sounding ones like 'invadersguild'. Some people may have reported it as suspicious and he's probably banned for that reason.

That would make sense, and if you reread my post you'll see that's basically the conclusion I came to, I was just unaware of this being the case before now. If you'll also read the rules given by ncsoft/anet, you'll probably notice that this is not specified as well as it could be (unless I missed something on all of my previous read throughs). Seems kind of sloppy to me, especially if they're giving out bans for it that are longer than a few days on the first offense with no warnings (I'm making a few assumptions here, but from the wording the OP uses, I think I'm right in making them in this case)

Trust me though, I can definitely understand why they wouldn't want people spamming websites in guild wars, lots of ways that could turn out badly.|||Quote:

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You CAN'T spam websites in it.

Hm... but you CAN tell someone to go to pvxwiki (or whatever it's called now), or to the wiki, or even to guru or here - even with the urls? Even in all-chat?|||Spamming in all chat is against the rules. Guild recruiting in all chat is not against the rules. Spamming guild recruiting in all chat is against the rules. See the difference? Spam is technically not permitted, but enforcement is also at NCSoft's discretion. For whatever reason, they allow spam to continue.

Anyway, according to the OP, the alleged ban was for advertising a website.

There is no reason for any discussion here, because it changes nothing. Support has been contacted.|||Quote:

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Spamming in all chat is against the rules. Guild recruiting in all chat is not against the rules. Spamming guild recruiting in all chat is against the rules. See the difference? Spam is technically not permitted, but enforcement is also at NCSoft's discretion. For whatever reason, they allow spam to continue.

Anyway, according to the OP, the alleged ban was for advertising a website.

There is no reason for any discussion here, because it changes nothing. Support has been contacted.

Reasons for discussion here:

1. Something to talk about.

2. Good to know what you can do that can get you banned.

3. Good to know what you can do that looks like something that can get you banned.

4. Fight the power!

5. Possibly touchy OP who may blow up and provide unintended entertainment...maybe even a new forum meme.

6. This is just here because I'm running out of ideas and seeing if any one is actually reading this.

7. On a more serious note, I noticed that the chat controls actually stops you from spamming too quickly.

8. Which begs the question...what really is spamming. Like in Kamadan Amer d1, reposting every 10 seconds...is that spamming when your message is off the screen of even the biggest chat window? Or in Embark Beach Amer d1, where you can wait 10 minutes and not see your chat message scroll off, but new people are zoning in regularly...how often can repost there, once a minute? What if it's a question...personally I think if you don't get an answer after 3 tries, you should give up.

9. I'm thinking I might be able to come up with ten reasons now! Very excited.

10. Lastly, I'm hoping that MisterB has a sense of humor.

