
Create Your own Skills (Elite and Normal)

[:1]This thread is basically to come up with new elites. Just post sum ideas that you would like to see implemented into the game. And plz be realistic and within reason on the skills.

Here's an Example:

Destructive Slash:

Cost: 10 Adrenaline

This attack deals +20-45dmg if it hits. If the opponent is below 75% health, it inflicts bleeding. If Target foe is below 50% health, target foe receives a deep wound and damage is doubled. Conditions stack. Lose all adrenaline after the use of this skill.|||Nice example. That is what an elite skill should be. most of the elite skills i've gotten so far have negative things to them or energy costs that make them not so worth using.

A sugession i saw a while back during game play would work well as an elite. It would be Ranger based and use wilderness survival.

Harmony with Nature

For 10-30 seconds character does not aggro unless a skill or attack is used.

Though i can see how something like this would greatly tip the balance to rangers in the area of running people to places like LA or ToA and such. It would fit the attribute title better than most skills that use it.|||Elementalist skill

Earth magic

something like this

Ward of protection

For 5-10 seconds all damage to non-spirit allies is reduced by 75%|||Not all balanced, but I find the ideas interresting.

Gyser (Water Magic)

20 energy

1 casting

5 recharge

Elite spell. Target foe and all adjacent foes are struck for 20-80 damage and knocked down. This spell causes exhaustion.

Tsunami (Water magic)

10 energy

5 casting

10 recharge

Elite spell. Create a Tsunami at target foe's location. For 5 seconds, nearby foes take 10-38 damage each second and casting foes take an additional 10-28 damage each second.

Blaze of Glory (Fire magic)

5 energy

2 casting

15 recharge

Elite spell. All adjacent foes loose all enchanments and hexes and are set on fire for 3-6 seconds. This spell causes exhaustion.

Earth Bite (Earth magic)

15 energy

2 casting time

20 recharge time

Elite Hex spell. Target foe is struck for 10-58 earth damage and move 90% slower for 1-6 seconds.

Mana Canon (Energy Storage)

10 energy

1 casting

60 recharge

Elite enchantment spell. Loose all enchantments. For 10-25 seconds, each time you cast a spell, nearby foes are struck for 150-300% of the Energy cost of that spell.

Soul Link (Inspiration Magic)

15 energy

5 casting

45 recharge

Elite Hex spell. For 4-18 seconds, the next time you are the target of an Hex spell, that Hex is transferred to target foe instead. When Soul Link ends, you gain 2-7 energy.

Nature's Illusion (Illusion Magic)

15 energy

5 casting

45 recharge

Elite spell. You create 2 copies of a nearby allied pet. The copies deal additional 1-8 chaos damage and move 25% faster. The copies die after 4-48 seconds.

Illusion of Pain (Illusion Magic)

15 energy

3 casting

25 recharge

Elite Hex spell. For 5-20 seconds, target foe suffers a health degeneration of 2-5 and and take 25% more damage. When Illusion of Pain ends, target foe gains +40 armor for 10-5 seconds.

Healing Roots (Healing Prayers)

15 energy and 1 energy arrow

3 casting

35 recharge

Elite Enchantment spell. As long as you maintain this enchantment, all allies near you gain a health regeneration of 2-5 and move 35-10% slower. Healing Roots ends if you move.

Tainted Power (Death Magic)

10 energy

2 casting

40 recharge

Elite Enchantment spell. Target ally becomes Diseased each second for 15 seconds and deal an additional 2-22 dark damage in melee for 11-23 seconds.|||ive got one for the rangers

Melandrus Tears

Elite, Pet skill. As long as you have this skill in your bar, if you die and your pet is still alive, your pet will return to you and resurect you with (25-75%) health, and (15-40%) energy, this skill takes (15-5) seconds to cast. (Beast Mastery)

tell me you wouldnt want that one for one of your PvE rangers. |||Melandru's Focus (attrib: Expertise - 10/0/45)

Elite stance. For the next 6...18 seconds, all Ranger skills that are "Easily Interrupted" cannot be interrupted.

Embrace of the Elements (attrib: Wilderness Survival - 10/0/60)

Elite Stance. For 30 seconds, whenever you take elemental damage, all your Ranger skills are instantly recharged.

Calm of the Storm (attrib: Marks - 15/0/0)

Elite Stance. For 24 seconds, you attack 25% slower but deal (100...300)% damage with all bow attack skills. Your bow attack skills cannot be "dodged" (Marksmanship 1-12), "blocked" (Marksmanship 4-12), or "evaded" (Marksmanship 8-12). This skill is disabled for (120...90) seconds.

Illusion of Failure (attrib: Illusion Magic - 5/1/20)

Elite Enchantment. For 10 seconds, target ally takes 200% damage. When Illusion of Failure ends, target ally is healed for (180...360) health and has +24 armor for (3...12) seconds. Illusion of Failure ends automatically if ally falls below 25% health.

Confidence (attrib: Inspiration Magic - 5/1/20)

Elite Enchantment. For the next (4...12) seconds, target ally attacks 33% faster and cannot be blocked, dodged, or evaded. 50% chance of failure with Inspiration Magic 6 or less.

Determination (attrib: Inspiration Magic - 5/1/20)

Elite enchantment. For the next (4...12) seconds, target ally attacks 33% faster and cannot be interrupted or knocked down. 50% chance of failure with Inspiration Magic 6 or less.

Fear of the Dark (attrib: Illusion Magic - 10/1/20)

Elite Hex. Target foe becomes blinded for (1...12) seconds and all of that foe's attack skills are disabled for (0...6) seconds. If target foe is still alive when Fear of the Dark ends, that foe is healed to full health.

Blood on the Altar (attrib: Blood Magic - 15/1/20)

Elite Enchantment. All allies begin bleeding for 10 seconds but have +24 armor and all melee attacks steal (5...18) health. When Path to the Altar ends, all allies are healed for half the total life lost due to bleeding.

Undead Cannibalism (attrib: Death Magic - 5/0/2)

Elite Spell. Your healthiest undad minion is destroyed, and all other undead minions bound to you gain (100...500)% of that minion's health, distributed evenly.

Prolong Agony (attrib: Curses - 10/2/15)

Elite hex. For ten seconds, if target foe is suffering a condition, that condition is reapplied for (1...6) seconds every time that foe uses a skill.

Snuff (attrib: Water Magic - 25/0/20)

Elite Spell. If target foe is suffering from a Water Magic hex, all that foe's Fire Magic skills are disabled for (1...10) seconds. This spell causes exhaustion.

Evaporate (attrib: Fire Magic - 25/0/20)

Elite spell. If target foe is suffering from a Fire Magic hex, all that foe's Water Magic skills are disabled for (1...10) seconds. This spell causes exhaustion.|||sorry MStarfire but most of the skills are just as mutch a normal skills, or worse, just work on some les energy and no exastions and it's an elite.


elite spell-all foo's in earshot sufers for 40.....100 fire damage and you're set on fire for 5 second.(atribute: fire magic)

cost:5 cast:1 recharge: 20

killer instinkt

elite attack-your animal compenion attemts killer instinkt. when it hit's, you and your pet gains 20....90 health and you gain 4....10 energy(atribute beast mastery)

cost: 10 cast: 1/4 recharge: 40

wrath of grenth

elite spell-all foo's in the area are blinded and loses 5....20 health, all lost health is transfered to you(atribute: blood magic)

cost: 5 charge: 1 recharge 50

deathwishes blessing

elite binding rtual-create a spirit of deathwishes blessing, all minions and spirits are healed for 20....80 health for everytime they lose health, but it loses 5% health everytime it heals.(atribue: communing)

cost: 5 cast: 2 recharge: 20

i dont know any anymore but i'll come up on something.|||Arcane Ripple

25e 2c 45rec Inpsiration Magic

Elite Enchantment Spell: When under the effects of this enchantment your next single target spell is applied to (1,2,3,4,5,6@16) additional foes or allies in the area.

Some example's - Prot Spirit x6 on your party. Life Siphon x6 on a pack of mobs. Diversion on x6 players in PvP etc.|||Quote:

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This thread is basically to come up with new elites. Just post sum ideas that you would like to see implemented into the game. And plz be realistic and within reason on the skills.

Here's an Example:

Destructive Slash:

Cost: 10 Adrenaline

This attack deals +20-45dmg if it hits. If the opponent is below 75% health, it inflicts bleeding. If Target foe is below 50% health, target foe receives a deep wound and damage is doubled. Conditions stack. Lose all adrenaline after the use of this skill.

thats prety much the most insanely overpowered spell that someone ever created without purposly trying... hello adrena spike heaven


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sorry MStarfire but most of the skills are just as mutch a normal skills, or worse, just work on some les energy and no exastions and it's an elite.

actually, I think all but the first one are fine|||Blood Magic

Vampirism {e}

5 1 20

Enchantment Spell. For 1...18 seconds you gain 1...2 energy regeneration but suffer 2...4 health degeneration.

No Attribute

Delta Blast {e}

15 3 20

Spell. If you do not have an attribute level of 9 in atleast two elements this spell fails. For each element, if that elements attribute level is greater than 9, one random nearby foe is struck for 7 damage per attribute level.

Water Magic

Blizzard {e}

25 3 30

Spell. Create a blizzard at target foe's location. For 5 seconds foes near this location are struck for 5...65 cold damage every second and move 66% slower than normal.

