
Mercenary Code Give-away!

[:1]EDIT: Congrats to the winners!

ArenaNet has generously given this site 3 single-slot Mercenary gift codes to give away to our community! Here's how you could win one of these codes for yourself.

Post an image of the character that you would like to turn into a mercenary along with a few sentences explaining why this character should become a Hero for your account. Images can be screenshots from the game or art of your character. Keep the text part pithy - we're not looking for long expositions.

The following rules/restrictions apply:

One entry per poster.

Entries can be submitted until Sunday, March 20th 22:00GMT. After that, this thread will be closed until the winners are announced.

Winners will be nominated and voted on by this site's moderator team. All decisions are final.

In the case of very large images, please use either a link or spoiler tags to preserve the page layout!

Have fun and be creative!|||Pick me because of my love for the paragon of games, Nightfall, and the paragon of all MMO classes, the paragon. In summary: paragon paragon paragon. Paragon.

http://i.imgur.com/vrjcB.jpg|||Pick Chipsy Chips! She came from a noble family of necromancers. During the Searing she lost many family members and friends. Once a carefree girl, she now vowed to defeat the Charrs at all cost. She killed countless Charr troops in battle. In her secret laboratory she is performing horrific and illegal experiments, on captured Charrs and herself, to gain the "dark" power needed to defend her home. The Charrs calls it the "Nightmare Lab" for good reasons. While she ages very slowly, she needs to cover up her body to keep her experiments a secret. She no longer cares what she is, human or monster. She is the perfect antihero that any party would want!


"Face Grenth's true power, atheistic Charrs! In the chilling cold and death you shall find no mercy; The same way that you had shown us none!"

"Gwen, you aren't the only one driven mad by the Charrs. Of all the people I thought you would understand."

"One day Ascalon will recover. Flowers will bloom and the children will laugh in its warm sun once again. However its already too late for the likes of us. The scars in our hearts shall last forever."

"Cynn, love can lead to dependency. Dependency leads to obsession. Obsession leads to disappointment. And disappointment leads to hatred. And we come full circle. Don't let love control you. Let what is to happen, happen."

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...yinAscalon.jpg|||Conceived 48 months ago, a few days before a UW and FoW weekend, Tzarcour Halcouz (monk) slammed his way through ascention in Prophecies to group with other heroes in the realms of the gods. Having defeated the lich lord, he defeated Shiro, with Abbadon and the great destroyer after that. His forays into PvP have shown he still has much to learn and needs more gametime, and that is why he should become a Mercenary hero on my account.


Thanks for the contest!|||Spoiler

Mwindaji Frust is a huntsman, a mysterious one. He has seen the reckless way of doing heroics in my other fellows and wishes to get hired - to change the tide. His understanding of nature, tactics and culture could help my fellows avoid unnecessary trouble and wounds.

As far as I know Mwindaji Frust is the only human being since the Crystal Sea became desert to peacefully converse with a Margonite. This little ability could perhaps help his loved one Rita become a Spearmarshal.|||Okay here is mine!


At the peak of his adventuring days Art is seeking to maintain his spirits and hopes to pass on his wisdom to those who need it. Angry at being used by the Lich to bring about the great wars of Tyria, Temporarily blinded and half maddened from gazing into Abaddon's eyes whilst bringing him down and semi-bonded with the magical fires of the Great Destroyer during the Rite of the Great Dwarf he seeks to fill the void filled of Dhumm's thwarted attack on life + death by making friends and carrying hope.


That was fun.

-Art|||My Paragon, the noble Sarkyen Pauhu, of Elonian ascent, would be most honored to engross the list of heroes available to my other characters. Although still a fledgling in terms of game time, Sarkyen Pauhu is swift with his spear and strong of lungs, and his shouts and arias would undoubtedly turn his team's glorious deeds into the stuff Norns like to boast about and toast to.

Without further preamble, behold the mighty bard o' flaming wings, Sarkyen Pauhu!


Cheers :)|||Layana has been rejected during a large part of her life, often staying behind in the safety of the guild hall, polishing summoning stones and monitoring an ever-growing pile of booze. After 69 months, that is no longer true. She recently vanquished the White Mantle from Kryta, released Kuunavang from Shiro's corruption and united the Princes of Vabbi, all while not requiring a single resurrection spell. She's hungry for more and ready to join the family head in his harder alternate dimension adventures.


(Plus, she's a cutie and Razah is a pain to get on every character.)
|||frost of the north has lived for tree years in the far northern siverpeak, she lived with her parents closely to the norn.

one night, a drunk norn hunted near her house, but he was so drunk that he wrecked her home to dust.

her father tried to stop the drunk norn but was killed by a heavy blow from a club, frost and her mother needed to flee the norn but had nowhere to go.

after two day's searching for anyone friendly they where rescued by a canthian noble, the seemingly noble was called togo and took them both to savety.

after 17 years of training, she graduated from hunting school, her skills were second to none and had a really stong connection to the spirit world.

unlike most rangers, she could actually form a bow out of spiritual energy making her a really powerful ally for anyone in need of help.

with her skills unmatched and a unique ability in hand after saving the world many times, she joined a special guild called the ancients.

specialized to hire special mercenary's only to give the customers the best of the best, and they don't joke around with any mission they receive.

behold the ancient spirit wielder, frost of the north:


|||I'll keep it quick. I created my characters Preston Nightdeath and Susie Dear roughly around the same time when I started playing all those years ago. So I've always linked the two of them together. If you want the details, look through my blog here on the forums. But the sad truth is they've never been able to actually adventure together. So, with my mad photoshopping skillz I present to you a picture of the two of them looking sad not being able to adventure together.


Do it for them.

