
Do You Want a Mesmer Final Boss for WoC?

[:1]I would suggest a Mesmer final boss for WoC, which is the most interesting class of the game. Not only would it make that final fight more interesting, it also allow the game to break away from physical/direct damage bosses. Pretty much all final bosses so far are physical/direct damage type.

Skill suggestion:

Illusion of Location (monster hex spell)


For 10 seconds, each time target foe attacks that attack misses and that foe shadow step directly away from his/her target, and Illusion of Location is renewed for 10 seconds.

Nerve Block (monster hex spell)


For 10 seconds, target foes takes 0 damage from all attacks and offensive spells. When this hex ends, target foes takes 33% of the total damage he/she took during this hex all at once.

Perfected Snare (monster hex spell)


Target foe moves 90% slower for 5 seconds. If this hex ends prematurely target foe is crippled for 10 seconds. If this hex ends prematurely while the target foe is crippled the hex is reapplied for 15 seconds.

Pain Transfer (monster enchantment spell)


For 10 seconds, the next time foes attacks or cast an offensive spell on this boss, the foe deals 0 damage. Instead he/she takes 100 damage and also takes 200% of the damage that he/she would have dealt. There is no limit to this damage.

Illusion of Armorless (monster stance)


For 5 seconds, the boss's armor rating is reduced directly to -20. When the boss takes any damage this stance ends. When this stance ends the boss is healed for 200. This skill recharge instantly if it ends prematurely.

Inhale (monster skill)


Boss takes a deep breath. If success this effect lasts for 30 seconds. Inhale ends if boss uses Lion's Roar.

Lion's Roar (monster shout)


Target foe takes 100 damage and is interrupted. If this boss is under the effect of Inhale, all foes within earshot takes 100 damage and is interrupted and also knocked down.

Raging Shadow (monster stance)


For 10 seconds, this boss shadow steps a short distance toward its target foe each time that target foe comes under attack or was a target of a spell, from friend or foe.

Demonic Nightmare (monster elite touch skill)

5e, 1/4s, 15s

Target touched foe losses all energy. For 10 seconds he/she suffers from -10 health degeneration, -4 energy regeneration, and takes 10 damage each second. This skill cannot be removed by hex or condition removals.

Hex Transfer (monster spell)


Transfer all hexes on this boss to target foe. Each hex lasts twice as long as their remaining durations.|||It should be every class, mixed into one. Ten monster skills, one based on each profession.|||Why just the final boss? Make every mob consist out of mesmers and a few healers to go along with them.

Make it a reminder to all the whiners who demanded mesmer buff after mesmer buff, now still don't touch the class but have the rest of us stuck with overpowered AI mesmers with godly reaction times.|||Quote:

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I would suggest a Mesmer final boss for WoC, which is the most interesting class of the game. Not only would it make that final fight more interesting, it also allow the game to break away from physical/direct damage bosses. Pretty much all final bosses so far are physical/direct damage type.


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Why just the final boss? Make every mob consist out of mesmers and a few healers to go along with them.

Make it a reminder to all the whiners who demanded mesmer buff after mesmer buff, now still don't touch the class but have the rest of us stuck with overpowered AI mesmers with godly reaction times.

Srsly...I HATE mesmers. It was bad enough that most White Mantle in WiK could res. The last thing I want to see as an elementalist is mobs full of mesmers and monks, as well as a mesmer boss that will more than likely be more OP than it needs to be.

If this DID happen, hopefully my Gwen would be quick enough to shut them down before they get me.

I voted for Ritualist. I wouldn't mind a full blow spirit spam boss!|||Quote:

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Make it a reminder to all the whiners who demanded mesmer buff after mesmer buff, now still don't touch the class but have the rest of us stuck with overpowered AI mesmers with godly reaction times.

I VQ'd all of Elona last month. All of Elona, yes, all of Elona, apart from one little town by the coast...screw it, no one will get the reference. Anyway, only time I actually died was when facing those Roaring Ether Bosses and their rezzing buddies. **** those guys. Oh, and Wurms caused death as well. If it wasn't for those 2 things, I'd have done a complete deathless Vanquish.

So no Mesmer bosses plz. Instant double damage armorignoring AoE damage is not fun. Even Ele bosses are easier to handle because you can actually interrupt them or SY! against the damage.|||Quote:

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I VQ'd all of Elona last month. All of Elona, yes, all of Elona, apart from one little town by the coast...screw it, no one will get the reference. Anyway, only time I actually died was when facing those Roaring Ether Bosses and their rezzing buddies. **** those guys. Oh, and Wurms caused death as well. If it wasn't for those 2 things, I'd have done a complete deathless Vanquish.

So no Mesmer bosses plz. Instant double damage armorignoring AoE damage is not fun. Even Ele bosses are easier to handle because you can actually interrupt them or SY! against the damage.

The Mesmer final boss is only overpowered if the players let it. For example look at the skills I suggested. The skills can be countered, their effect mostly neutralized, if the players do some thinking and research ahead of time.

All other final bosses we see so far (Lich, Shiro, Varesh, Abaddon, Great Destroyer, Isaiah) just throw tons of damage at the player. I hope they make something more unique this time. |||Quote:

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I VQ'd all of Elona last month. All of Elona, yes, all of Elona, apart from one little town by the coast...screw it, no one will get the reference. Anyway, only time I actually died was when facing those Roaring Ether Bosses and their rezzing buddies. **** those guys. Oh, and Wurms caused death as well. If it wasn't for those 2 things, I'd have done a complete deathless Vanquish.

So no Mesmer bosses plz. Instant double damage armorignoring AoE damage is not fun. Even Ele bosses are easier to handle because you can actually interrupt them or SY! against the damage.

Give the TQ's in HM a try and you will know the true meaning of pain aka Titan's Malice, worst...mob...ever.

Now let's dress those in WoC-style, add a boss version and the OP will truly regret to ever have posted this suggestion |||Quote:

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The Mesmer final boss is only overpowered if the players let it. For example look at the skills I suggested. The skills can be countered, their effect mostly neutralized, if the players do some thinking and research ahead of time.

All other final bosses we see so far (Lich, Shiro, Varesh, Abaddon, Great Destroyer, Isaiah) just throw tons of damage at the player. I hope they make something more unique this time.

It's because that's the only way to make it challenging, overpowered Monster skills, double damage and Half Hex duration.

No, really. You could make it challenging by having an equally large party of 8 lv20 AI foes using some balanced PvP build and it would still be rolled by the player's party because they'd bring every single hard counter in the game. ANet throws rocks at our scissors, we just cover it all with paper. Then cheat the AI.

Look at Mallyx, his Monster skills render a lot of classes and builds completely obsolete. Then Ursan came and he was farmed more than anything before. Then Ursan was nerfed, people adapted and exploited the AI. Now we're actually at a point where most people go "**** the AI" and powerhouse their way through the game without effort. ANet tried to counter us by throwing the exact same builds in our face in WiK by using a mix of overpowered buids, PvP builds and changing skill bars to make it more difficult. And people still manage to clear everything in it. Now we have WoC where they do the exact same thing again, the same overpowered builds we use, overpowered Monster skills (****ING AFFLICTED EXPLOSIONS, why did they have to reuse the worst gimmick of Cantha) and just throwing 20 or so mobs at us. And the NM is not a problem. HM, eh, kind of. Still need to get on with it but it's boring to repeat.

Just using Monster skills that can be easily countered means players will just do that. Not having stupidly high damage means players won't bother with guarding against it. If it's just annoying, you put down an SoS and watch the spirits kill whatever it is they're hitting.

Really, the only challenge they haven't tried is: 8 bosses of varying classes, double damage, half hex duration, regen, using variations of both PvE and PvP builds mixed with overpowered Monster skills.


I hope no one reads this <_<|||no mesmer, PLEASE!!!!!!|||The final boss should be one of the classes unique to Cantha.

And since almost anyone can snuff a sin without breaking a sweat, it would have to be a ritualist.

