
Zaishen coins

[:1]I just finished getting equipment bags for all my characters so I'm slightly lost about what to do with my coins now. I'd be curious to hear what other people do with theirs.

Also, since I rarely trade with other people I'm completely lost on the relative values of each item, so any advice on what's best to buy to either advance title tracks or just sell for monies would be much appreciated.|||Zaishen Keys seem to be the best investment after the bags.

4 Silver Coins = 1 Lockpick (1.5k at merchant, ~1250g by trading)

1 Gold Coin = 10 Silver Coins = 1 Z Key (currently ~7k by trading)

So by comparing, a Z Key gives you more money for your Coins than most other available trades. Elite Tomes are 2 Gold Coins, but those tomes can be bought for under 10k. Regular tomes, Scrolls etc usually go under that price as well.

Alternatively, buy 5 Flames of Balthasar (10 Silver coins total, 250g) and trade that for a Z Key. That will cost you 100g more than trading in the 10 Silver for a Gold and the Gold for a Z Key though (50g + 100g = 150g for the same conversion).|||Don't forget that certain elite tomes are a lot more than 10k. People will spend a ton of money in order to get SoS on a rit before the Kurzick area. If I remember correctly those are going for like 16k. However, they're also probably less in demand than zkeys due to how many of those you need for the title.

Keep in mind that you can always use zcoins after you've found a buyer for anything, so I'd suggest not turning them all into the item you think will sell for the most. Just make enough of that item to not seem silly for spamming that you're selling it, and watch for people saying they want to buy the other items and see how they compare.|||Depends on how fond you are of trading and the time investment it requires. Pick what you like depending on it.|||Most bang for the buck is currently z-keys. Not only because they have a high prize, but also because they are currently a very quick sale. Even though you may get more cash from rit elite tomes, they are much slower sales. Time that you could use getting more z-coins (or whatever) in stead. So unless you want the rit tome for yourself (saving the time+money it would take to buy one) I would go with the z-keys.

Balt flames are apparently also a good value, since they are used by PvP-ers to unlock stuff (applies to non-UaX-ers of course). But I have no idea of how quick a sale that is.

Personally, I have used my coins for first heavy packs for my PvE chars, then z-keys to fill up to rank 3, and now I am just saving them in a pile. Maybe I will get an everlasting crate down the line, just for the hell of it. *shrug*|||Quick calculation:

If you get 5 balth flames, then use them to make a zaishen key, you`ll have waisted 100g only compared to if you got the zkey right away. The balth flames can be used for other purposes, but they can be used to make zaishen keys as well, so they`d sell for at least (but probably not much more than) 20% the cost of zkeys.

People buying zkeys would be foolish not to buy balth flames, but I don't know if they know that.|||Thanks for the advice. Z-keys it is then. :)

And I really hate trading in this game so that makes me doubly happy. I'll just use them for my own title.|||Thanks for the info Alaris, I never really thought of it because I normally get packs.

Anyndra, you heard what he said right? Do you mean you'll get them by picking up the flames and then trading? Less expensive that way and you still get the zkeys.

Also, just wanted to mention that it seems that elite rit tomes are now more like 12k so yeah... you might want to stay away from those even if you like trading.|||No actually, getting zkeys via flames cost 100g MORE than if you get the zkey directly. So if you only care for zkeys, don't trade zcoins for flames, trade zcoins for zkeys directly.

What I was saying was that the price difference is so small, and flames have more uses, it'd be silly to go the zkey route if you're trading them anyway (provided buyers know that as well).|||Quote:

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Quick calculation:

If you get 5 balth flames, then use them to make a zaishen key, you`ll have waisted 100g only compared to if you got the zkey right away. The balth flames can be used for other purposes, but they can be used to make zaishen keys as well, so they`d sell for at least (but probably not much more than) 20% the cost of zkeys.

People buying zkeys would be foolish not to buy balth flames, but I don't know if they know that.

But you'd pay more yourself for the Flames, and if you sell them

Suppose Z Keys are 7k, and we ignore the cost of turning Copper Coins into Silver ones since it's the same price. Suppose Flames of Balth go for 1.4k (1/5 of 7k).

- Trade them for Gold Key: profit = 7k - 50g (Silver->Gold) - 100g (Gold -> Z Key) = 6.850g

- Trade them for Flames of Balth: profit = 7k - 5*50g (Silver -> Flames) = 6.750g

- Trade them for Flames of Balth: profit per Flame = 1.4k - 50g (Silvers -> Flames) = 1.350g; selling 5 of them, and your profit is again 6.750g

Unless you'd go around trying to sell the Flames for a price higher than 1/5th of the price of Z Keys (1.5k would yield a profit of 400g compared to immediately trading for a Key), you'd lose money compared to instant trading. I don't think Flames of Balthazar are going to go for higher prices than that, while they have other uses, those uses suck and often have cheaper alternatives. 1k Faction is a skill, which you could buy for 1k as well.

