
Flux Discussion Thread

[:1]What, we can't have a PvP discussion here?

Anyway, now that we have a new effect, let's see if we can talk about it.

We have the following effects already:
  1. Lone Wolf
    • If you are not within Earshot of an ally, you deal 10% additional damage, and take 10% more damage.

  2. Unyielding Spirit
    • For every 2 points of Death Penalty you have, you deal 1% more damage.

The first one was pretty effective for "smaller" forms of PvP like FA and JQ, but I hear did little for GvG, even for runners or splits. The new effect seems to reverse that, as FA/JQ do not include DP, but a GvG match where you're facing a spike group that wiped the first time may come back with a bit of an extra punch.

Overall, it still seems rather gimmicky to me.|||Gimmicky is fine if it shakes up the game a bit. The effects so far aren't game-changing, but rather they boost a bit here nerf a bit there without fundamentally changing how the game is played. I think this is good for PvP.

DP can go up to 60%, at which point you do 30% more damage. Consider that at that point, you'll be easy to kill and have low energy even at max, so it's not clear that you would want that. Consider too that higher DP counts against you to determine who wins in many formats.

The new flux may have a few effects that I can think of: (1) force the winning team to not be as aggressive as they would otherwise be without the flux, (2) drag the game a bit longer and provide more chances of a reversal of the situation, and (3) increase the average damage of builds while not changing how heals work.

Whether the third one will create a shift towards prots or increase the amount of healing a team takes, I don't know... I don't know how the meta will adapt.|||Lone Wolf was great for melee types in JQ. Most cappers are off on their own, and are so single minded in purpose that a good warrior build could kill one in 3 to 4 hits. Really helped taking advantage of both the +10%dmg you give, while they were receiving an additional +10% being off alone.

Not too sure how Unyielding Spirit will play out since it won't effect JQ and couldn't care about the Halls or GvG at the moment. I don't see it being considered being useful, except in desperation.|||Unyielding will affect RA though...|||I don't really know about this yet. It does discourage builds like hex overload or defensive casterspikes since their problem is withstanding pressure inbetween spikes(and to an extent possible splits with increased damage output).

On the other hand it encourages defensive play due to getting kills on anything with damage skills will allow for things like easier lordrushes or more pressure in split situations, as for example having 1 monk in each base which is dangerous.

The thing is more damage is just not the solution to long line of grand issues the game has. When what is needed is to turn down the power of everything, handing out additional power just principally seems wrong.

The current large issue also wasn't with defensive spikes either, it was dervishes and their friends in necromancers. While not really evident in the mAT(finals being hexes vs. a split specced against dervishes), both ladder, regular AT's and even tombs has been utterly plagued by dervishes since the orignal retarded update.

Once and for all actually nerfing dervishes properly and adding this flux might've done something perhaps, since most people would turn to either hexes, casterspiks or triple melee builds after dervishes and this is a situation where the current flux could shine positively.|||I think the flux's effect is fairly independent of the state of the game. It shifts the meta a bit, changes the gameplay a bit... but it doesn't fix the game (nor does it break it more).

There's some good issues you point out Kedde, but it's not like I see the flux having *much* of a real effect on this. Yes, it has some effect, but balancing the game is mostly a separate issue from the flux.|||Thing is the whole idea behind flux was to help the naturally evolving metagame on its way. For several years it's been so dead since many people will just settle with whatever is currently the norm and try to be the best at it. Nothing wrong with this attitude, but a game is healthier and more interesting if it also contains innovators, people with ideas and the willingness to experiment and risk games for the sake of developing new styles and builds that counter the norm.

It has to be said that this was also mostly halted by competition being shut down after GWFC and the 100k series. Apart from this though, there has just been less room for letting the metagame do it's job as well.

With skill updates and mechanic changes being so sudden and drastic(especially considering power levels) it has left us with scenarios where the likely correct conclusion has been that there are a very limited amount of "correct" options that are simply the best, regardless of what ingenious ideas some people can conjure up.

Now that I rambled my way so far away from the point I'll try and reiterate.

Flux was supposed to help metagame evolvment, but for it to actually do so, the problem with overpowered **** just has to be solved or the effects will remain extremely marginal.|||Jagged Strike

Fox Fangs

Golden Fang Strike

Death Blossom

Critical Strike

Way of the Assassin

Spirit Light

Lively Was Naomei|||Am I the only one at a loss as to what the above is supposed to mean?|||I was wondering too. I think it was posted in the wrong thread.

